~Chapter Seven~

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The rock music emitted from Damon's car radio was overpowered by the low grumble of the engine as we drove through Mystic Falls. Despite having blurted out my entire life story moments before, he didn't say anything. He didn't ask questions, he didn't comment, and he didn't tell me any of his secrets in return. He just sat beside me and drove.
   "Where's your house?" He murmured quietly, glancing around the intersection.
   "Floyd Street," I breathed, leaning my head against the window.
   "Good neighbourhood?" He asked, trying to make light conversation.
   "Good as any, I guess. Besides, it's Mystic Falls. Nothing bad ever happens here," I rolled my eyes as the glaring lights of the lamp posts blurred past.
   "You OK?" His voice sounded concerned and sincere which I appreciated, but I wasn't in the mood to divulge anymore information about myself.
   "Just drive," I grumbled.

Damon pulled alongside my house and switched the ignition off, the vibrating engine turning still. I felt his eyes on me as I sat in the passenger seat, staring at the deserted street before us. It wasn't an awkward silence, but a companionable one. Sure, the mood of the car wasn't great, but at least it wasn't weird or awkward.
   "Eva," Damon started. "I want you to know that what you told me back at the bar is your business." I turned to face him, worried that he was going to make some comment about how inappropriate it was for me to tell him what I did. But he didn't. "I'm not gonna go blab to Stefan, or anyone else for that matter." 
   "Thanks," I croaked.
   "Are you sure you're gonna be OK? Because we can keep driving for a bit," he offered. "If you want." The silence stretched as I thought this over. What would Stefan think if he saw me driving around aimlessly with his brother? What would Jenna think? "I'm a great listener."
   "Not tonight," I bit my lip apologetically. "I mean, you seem like a nice guy and everything but-"
   "I know, I know. It's because I'm your boyfriend's brother, right?"
   "No," I shook my head. "Stefan isn't my boyfriend, but we only just met and-"
   "It's OK," he said hurriedly, smiling. "It's fine. I should probably go too. Gotta make sure Stefan gets home alright. You know those parties," he rolled his eyes. "Drugs and alcohol don't exactly make great drivers."
   Nodding, I thanked him and walked up towards the house, stopping at the door and waving before I disappeared inside. I didn't hear his car drive away until I was safely in my bedroom. A flurry of emotions crashed my mind as I collapsed on my bed, hugging my pillow close to my chest.

Dear Diary,
   Today I met Stefan's brother Damon Salvatore for the second time (the first was the night of last years end of year bonfire). He told me some things which have planted doubts in my mind about my relationship with Stefan.
   Apparently Stefan had a girlfriend who died and looked a little bit like me, so much so that Damon had me confused for her when we first met. He also said that I could just be Stefan's rebound and after the way Stefan acted today after seeing me talking with Damon, I can't help but wonder if it's true.
   Unlike Stefan, Damon is honest and wears his emotions on his sleeve. He's passionate, kind, caring and considerate. He seemed to really care about me - and his brother. Maybe I fell for the wrong Salvatore? Ugh! Things are so crazy right now I don't know what to think. Maybe I just need some time to figure out who I am and what I want. 
   I know I want a man who will love me unconditionally no matter what. I know I want a man who loves me just as much as I love him. I know I want an honest and passionate love with a man I can trust so much that no doubt would ever enter my mind...
   I know I wish Elena were here to give her opinion. I know I wish my mom were here so I could talk with her about boys over a salted iced caramel. I know I wish my dad were to give his boy judgement to see whether I should date (or trust) Stefan or not. I know I wish Jeremy was back to his old self so I could talk with him about the family we've lost. I know I wish Jenna was around more so I could talk to her about this stuff.
   I know I wish that I'd died in that car accident on Wickery Bridge.

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