~Chapter Twenty One~

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Dear Diary,
   After Stefan and Damon left last night I went to see Jeremy. He was asleep, so, crying over his peaceful body, I dried his face and wrapped him up in a blanket. I sat with him for ages, waiting for him to wake up and ask about vampires and Vicki, but he didn't. In fact, I think last night was the best sleep he'd gotten in a long time.
   Jenna didn't get back from the bar for a long time, which was a relief. It gave me time to clean myself up and dispose of my blood soaked costume as well as clean the blood from Jeremy's lip. I still can't believe he got bitten by a vampire, that I got bitten by a vampire. 
   Stefan assured me that we were in no danger of becoming vampires because for that to happen we would need to die with vampire blood in our system. It was a relief, but I was still a little anxious. Unlike Jeremy, my mind and body already reacted to certain things like a vampire. Maybe I didn't need to die to become one. Maybe all it takes is one single bite...
   Anyway, there's no time to worry about that now. What I need to worry about is getting my hands on some vervain (without getting burned) to give to Jeremy so he can never be compelled again, and of course Jenna and my friends to make sure they are safe for mind controlling blood suckers. 
   I hardly slept all night, from worrying, obviously. I worried that the compulsion didn't work on Jeremy, that the reason for Jenna's lateness was because she'd been attacked. I worried that, at the Halloween Party, Bonnie and Caroline had come looking for me and instead found Vicki. I worried how Matt would react to Vicki's sudden disappearance after just having found her again. And lastly, I worried about me and the decision I had to make. 
   Stefan had been so good to me, but we weren't officially back together, although the past 48 hours it had definitely felt like it. But could I really be in a relationship with someone who posed a threat to me and my family? And friends? And what about Damon? He obviously wasn't going to leave Stefan alone, so being with him meant I would be seeing a lot more of his dangerous, murderous brother. Although, even though Damon was undoubtedly dangerous, I'd seen a different side of him last night, the side I'd grown to like and appreciate before I knew he was a vampire.
   But still, the question remained. The question which I'd been indecisive about ever since I discovered the Salvatore's true species. Do I put the past behind me and move forward with Stefan? Or do I officially break things off and try to move on without the danger and lingering question; Can I trust him?

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