~ Chapter Sixty One ~

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"Eva!" Bonnie and Caroline ran through the rain, holding their books over their heads as Stefan and I crossed the parking lot. I beamed, laughing as I held them close, refusing to let go. Bonnie nuzzled her chin into my neck, her ear resting against mine while Caroline squeezed me until my lungs threatened to collapse.
   "Oh Eva," Caroline breathed, holding me at arm's length. "We were so worried about you," she confessed. "Both of you," she added, offering Stefan a small, sweet smile. "Bonnie filled me in on everything," she explained, linking her arm through mine before pulling me under cover. "I'm a little hurt you didn't tell me, but I understand," she admitted. "And Stefan," she folded her arms across her chest, raising a brow. "Why don't you sparkle?"
  Stefan chuckled, his eyes lighting up the same way they did when we first met, before Damon, before supernatural. "Oh we sparkle all right," he smirked, draping his arm over my shoulders. "Like stars on fire," he said dramatically.
   Bonnie snorted, shaking her head. "And I thought Damon was supposed to be the funny one."
   "Speaking of which," Caroline narrowed her eyes. "Where is that jerk? Because I'm pretty sure I owe him a vervain dart for everything he did to me... Or three," she smiled.
   I rolled my eyes, sliding my hand into Stefan's as we walked the corridor. "Easy, Care. Damon isn't the nicest person in town but he's not as bad as you think," I explained. "In fact, he's the reason every single one of you is alive," I boasted. "Well, most of us," I clarified as Bonnie bowed her head. "Anyway," I breathed, slapping my thigh as we turned into History. "Jenna thinks I was at a funeral with Stefan in Atlanta, so if anyone asks-"
   "Don't worry," Bonnie interrupted. "We're good liars, thanks to you."
   I pursed my lips, hugging my torso. "Yeah, well, I'm not. Not anymore. Not to you. From now on I'm going to tell you guys everything, starting with Damon and Stefan," I decided, exchanging a glance with Stefan. "Stefan drinks animal blood. He has for a very long time, and yes, he's made some mistakes of late, but he is working so hard, harder than any vampire or being before him, to make it right. Also," I turned to Caroline. "Damon is working hard too, to get Uncle John and my birth mother Isobel out of our hair for good. He is also trying to protect us all, and find out the eternal mystery of why I can't touch vervain or be compelled," I added, flashing a smile. "So if you ever think about exposing their secret," I warned. "Think about that."
   Yes, I was a little harsh, but Caroline was a gossip queen, and Bonnie... I was 99% sure she still hated the Salvatore's guts.

Alaric clapped his hands, urging the tired, droopy eyes open as he finished his lesson. "Now I hope you all were listening," he chuckled, scrawling a date on the blackboard. "Because there is a quiz on the last day of school," he announced as the bell drowned the chorus o groans. "Study hard, people... Stefan, Elena, could I speak to you, please?"
   My heart skipped a beat but Stefan grasped my hand, squeezing gently, his touch slowing my heart to its normal beat. What would I do without Stefan? "Ah!" I gasped, jumping as something smacked against the window. Damon grinned, winking cheekily as he launched himself through the window. "Damon," I breathed, slapping my hand to my chest. "What are you doing here?"
   "I asked him here," Alaric replied, perching himself on the edge of his desk. "There is a lot going on at the moment, so I'm just going to cut to the chase. Isobel came to see me last night."
   I gritted my teeth, my heart pounding again as Stefan squeezed my hand. "Isobel?" I croaked. "As in-"
   "Your birth mother and my ex-wife?" He raised his eyebrows. "Yes. And she wants to speak with you, Eva." 
   I felt as though all the air had been sucked out of my lungs. My legs shook beneath me, giving way as I collapsed into the desk at my side. My eyes remained wide and alert, staring at a line in the floor while Alaric and Stefan watched on in silence. "You don't have to see her," Damon told me, crouching in front of the desk. I lifted my gaze, my stomach churning as he placed his palm flat on the desk, his fingertips brushing lightly against mine. "Not if you don't want to."
   Stefan glared at Damon, wrapping his arms around me protectively as his brother slinked back. "He's right," Alaric agreed. "But she threatened to go on a killing spree," he informed us, folding his arms across his chest. "Starting with Jeremy."
   A tear rolled down my cheek but I wiped it away, sniffing before anyone could notice. "Jeremy hates me," I snorted, tilting my chin towards the ceiling. "If I try to warn him he won't listen." I shook my head, sinking back into the chair before holding my face. "I guess..." I gulped, my hands shaking as I pictured me, talking to my birth mother. "I don't have a choice."
   Damon narrowed his eyes. "Eva," he muttered, saliva spraying through his gritted teeth. "You are not responsible for your brother, or anyone else for that matter," he reasoned. "You are responsible for you, and if you don't want to do this, then you don't have to."
   I pursed my lips together, a tear spilling down my cheek as I took Damon's hands. "Thank you," I managed a smile, squeezing his fingers between mine. "But I want to. I'll regret it if I don't."

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