~Chapter Twelve~

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Dear Diary,
   I've had a string of bad luck over these past few months so I don't know why I thought my first date with Stefan would be any different. I know I embarrassed Jenna, especially when Mayor and Mrs Lockwood offered to take us in, but we haven't talked about it yet.
   I hardly got any sleep all night. My mind was spinning a million miles an hour so I exercised instead, trying to keep quiet. I felt so bad about last night. Logan and Jenna were having such a good time, she might've even brought him back to the house. And seeing as it was my first date with Stefan, I'd been hoping to spend my night with him too. Guess neither of us got what we wanted and once again, it was my fault.
   Elena's short life was my fault. The accident which took my mom and dad was my fault. That meant Jeremy getting into drugs and alcohol was also my fault. Jenna having to move her entire life to Mystic Falls was also my fault. And now, when Jenna finally has the chance to kick back, relax and enjoy herself, I ruin it. Why can't I do something right for once?

Tapping softly on Jeremy's door, I poked my head around the corner to see him lying in bed staring at his television, his play station remote in hand and headphones pulled over top his black hoodie. I waved, but he refused to acknowledge my presence.
   "Probably hates me too," I grumbled, closing his door. 
   Jenna wasn't in her room, which was odd for a Saturday, so I headed downstairs and found her sitting at the kitchen island, scribbling furiously onto sticky notes and in the margins of... A book? 
   "Aunt Jenna?" I approached, circling the island. "What are you doing?"
   "Reading," she sighed, her eyes glued to the page. "Was your sleep as good as mine?"
   "Define sleep."
   Jenna dropped the book on the bench and rubbed her temples in exhaustion. "Good to know."
   "Look, Jenna, I'm sorry about last night. I overstepped my role as big sister and I let my emotions get the better of me."
   "Do you know how embarrassing it is to hear the Mayor's wife tell you you're a bad parent? I try Eva, I try. I work really hard, trying to make life easier, but you and Jeremy and just... It's like you are rooting for me to fail."
   "I know," I placed my hand on hers, leaning on the island. "I know, and I am so sorry. I know I embarrassed you and I know that I ruined your night and for that you have no idea how sorry I am."
   Jenna chuckled. "Don't I? When I was little I liked to prank your mom. Your mom had never had a boyfriend in her life, ever, but she finally got one. She brought him home but mom was away and there was an emergency at dad's work. I was supposed to be in bed, but the opportunity to prank and embarrass your mom was just too tempting. They were sitting on the couch, watching tv, just about to share their first kiss when I threw a stink bomb at them."
   "A stink bomb?" I laughed.
   "Yep. Turns out he was allergic to one of the ingredients. Your mom had a fit, my parents were enraged, and his parents... Well, his parents gave my parents an earful of what bad parents they were, raising a child like me."
   "That must have been awful."
   "Oh it was. The next few weeks were the worst. I felt like everybody hated me - especially your mom. But, after a while she met your dad and she forgave me, provided I didn't pull another stunt like that again mind you."
   "Did Grandma and Grandpa forgive you too?"
   "Eventually. After your mom did, Grandma did too. Dad took a little more convincing, and our relationship was never quite the same after that, but things settled down."
   "And let me guess, you're going to make me wait weeks until you forgive me?"
   "No. Eva, I don't want our relationship to be how it was between me and my parents. We've always been more like friends then aunt and niece and I like that much better than parent and child. And I know that you made a mistake, but if you promise not to do it again I think we can move past it. What do you say?"
   "I say this sounds like a great time to have some ice cream," I grinned. Jenna agreed and we grabbed two spoons along with the tub of ice cream in the freezer. "I love being friends Jenna, but forget what Mrs Lockwood said. You're a great aunt and guardian."
   "I appreciate your ability to lie well Eva, but I have to agree with Mrs Lockwood. I've been spending too much time working and not enough time with you guys. This morning I called work and they're happy for me to drop some hours."
   "But Jenna, is that gonna be enough?"
   She shrugged. "It'll have to be. Besides, you and Jeremy are more important than money. We'll manage, and if we don't, we can always take the Lockwood's up on their offer," she snorted. 


Jenna, Jeremy and I had a 'family meeting' to decide how we would proceed with our lives in a way that kept everybody happy. She reinstated family night which would take place every Sunday. Jeremy was against the idea but after Jenna promised to take some online cooking classes, he reluctantly agreed.
   She also gave us a curfew. Since I was older than Jeremy, mine was eleven o'clock and his was ten. However, curfew was negotiable on special occasions such as town or school events. She also said that if we followed curfew every single night she would consider making it later. 
   Whenever we went anywhere we had to tell Jenna exactly where we were going, who we were going with and when we would be coming back. If she wasn't home, we would need to either text or call her, and if she was in bed leave a note. 
   Jeremy wasn't super keen on Jenna's new rules, but I appreciated it. As much as I enjoyed doing what I wanted on my own terms, it had been a long time since we had any structure in this house and it was refreshing. And if this made it easier for Jenna, then I was all for giving it a shot. I just hoped Jeremy felt the same way.

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