~Chapter Thirty Seven~

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Damon Salvatore

Scowling, I grabbed another one of Stefan's useless novels from the wall sized book case and tossed it behind me in frustration. I promised Eva she'd be safe and that I'd take a time out from being a vampire while we were on our little road trip, but I lied. When we got into the motel I told Eva that I was going to 'thank' Bree for her hospitality when in actual fact, I went to end her sad, miserable life. And I did.
   However, it was an unusual turn of events. Before I killed her, Bree told me she knew how to open the tomb beneath Fell's church in the woods thus freeing Katherine. She thought if she told me I'd spare her life, just like I did Logan Fell when he spat out the same lie, but she was wrong. I ripped her heart out, my face the last thing she saw before dying, but not before she told me what she knew about opening the tomb.
   Emily's Grimoire contained the spell she used to seal the tomb but apparently it also had the reversal spell. According to Bree the book was somewhere in Mystic Falls, probably with one of those infuriatingly stubborn Bennett witches. Since Bonnie still hated me for almost killing her and her grandmother for the same reason (among others), the book collection of a vampire was the next likely option.

"What are you looking for Damon?" Stefan interrogated, stepping over the hundred books sprawled across the echoey floorboards.
   "Not your concern," I growled, acting cool and calm as I scanned the book case looking for anything even remotely supernatural looking. I picked up a book with a plain brown cover, angered to find it was just another boring book about the Civil War.
   "No," he agreed. "But putting Eva in harm's way, that is my concern." He leaned against the side of the bookcase, watching like he actually thought I would give him an honest answer. Or maybe he wants an apology. I snickered.
   "Ah, now you don't know me at all brother," I shook my head disappointingly. "And, when did I put Eva in harm's way?" I asked innocently.
   "You know what I'm talking about Damon," Stefan answered unsmiling.
   I smirked as I threw another stupid History book out the open window. "I'm a little busy at the moment Stefan."
   "No," he ordered sternly. "This conversation is happening."
   "I don't know what you're talking about," I murmured boredly.
   "I'm talking about Atlanta."
   I grinned. Of course I knew what Stefan was talking about, and of course I knew this topic would come up eventually. But Stefan was wrong, Eva was never in harm's way. Well, almost. "Oh yeah," I grinned, turning to face him. "Eva and I had a blast."
   "I get it," he smirked. "You're just bitter because one of us gets to be with the person we love and, poor Katherine is just out of reach," he taunted.
   I froze, my jaw clenched. My hand curled into a fist around the paperback book I was holding, the cover taking a distorted shape. Anger and hurt ripped through my chest as Stefan, once again, rubbed the fact that he was happily in love when I was not. 
   "Unless of course," he continued. "You figured out another way to open that tomb. Is that what Bree said?" He raised an accusing eyebrow.
   Resuming my search, I turned my face away, pretending to look interested in another book so he wouldn't see how his comment had made me feel. Spoiler alert: not the one I was looking for. "You're pathetic when you're fishing," I shot back.
   "And you're transparent when you're deflecting."
   I dropped the book I was holding and raised my arm, resting my elbow on one of the top shelves before leaning on the book case, scrutinising Stefan's expression. "What do you want me to say Stefan?" I shrugged, pulling my bottom lip over the top. "You're concerned about your girlfriend's safety, well guess what? She was safe!"
   "Oh, I beg to differ," he argued. "Lee attacked Eva." So that's the dude's name. "He took her from the bar and, I don't care if you were the one who threatened her or not. You took her from Mystic Falls which made her under your care. It's your fault she was in danger."
   I walked towards Stefan, my jaw set and eyes narrowed. He stood his ground, but I could sense his hesitation and fear. And he was right to be scared. I drank human blood which made me stronger and faster. I could kill him in a heart beat. I would have too, but in that moment killing him didn't serve my greater agenda. Not yet anyway. "My fault? If you hadn't lied to her then she never would have left this house and she would have never ended up with me in Atlanta. I, I was honest with her. I promised to keep her safe and I did. I told her the truth and she liked it. Maybe you should try it some time," I tiled my head, smirking slightly. "She might stop breaking up with you if you do."
   Stefan paused, pain flashing through those stupid nut brown eyes the girls seemed to love. "I do what I do to protect Eva, at all costs. I don't abduct her in the night or threaten her friends. That's the difference between us Damon. You didn't protect Eva for her, you did it for your own sake. You put yourself first and others second, unlike me, who puts the people I love before all else. And that, that is why I have the girl and you don't."
   I turned my head, glaring at him. "Don't you have a dance to get ready for?"
   He pursed his lips, bowing his head slightly as he turned to leave. "Oh, Damon," he called. "I almost forgot. Since you and Eva are so close because of your honesty," he snickered. "Give this to her, will you?" He tossed me the Gilbert pocket watch, the compass which pointed to vampires. "She's strong, determined. She hates being helpless and vulnerable."
   "Then why don't you just turn her into a vampire?" I rolled my eyes, examining the ancient device used by our father to trap and lock away Katherine with the rest of the vampires.
   His expression changed from calm to alarmed. "No, no, no. I can't force Eva to become a vampire, not for my sake. She needs to decide that for herself. Just, I can't be with her 24/7 to tell her who's a vampire and who's not. This way she can know who not to invite in to the house and who she can trust. Look, just, give it to her. OK? Can you do that?"
  "Why don't you give it to her?" I grumbled, tossing it to him.
   "Because," he threw it back. "I have a dance to get ready for. Remember?"
   As Stefan disappeared upstairs I pulled a face. Stefan was so lazy, getting me to do everything for him. He was so needy. But... Seeing his helpless and vulnerable girlfriend? This'll be fun.

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