~Chapter Twenty Two~

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Stray lambent beams of light peeked through the papery, light weight curtains hanging over the windows which surrounded the niche seat covered in colourful cushions and throws. The scent of freshly baked bagels wafted up the stairs and seeped through the crack beneath my closed bedroom door, my delighted nostrils welcoming the mouth watering smell. 
   Tossing my duvet to the side, I sat up and twisted my torso so I could get a good look at my healing side wound. Two days ago it was a bloody mess, but now it was a hardened scab, easily covered with a shirt or high waisted jeans. Vicki's bite, however, was not as quick to heal. Ugly red spots lined the oval Vicki's mouth on my skin had left and it ruled out wearing singlets for a while. Not only that, but my neck was covered in bruises from when she grabbed my neck.
   After a quick shower, I dressed in a white turtleneck (to hide the bite and bruises) and black jeans before jogging downstairs to see who was cooking in the kitchen. I had half expected to see Logan, since he was a popular bed guest of Jenna's, but it wasn't. In fact, it wasn't any boy friend of Jenna's, but Jeremy.
   "Jeremy?" My eyes widened, surprised. "Since when do you cook?" I asked, settling into one of the bar stools.
   "What are you talking about Eva?" He grinned, smothering his bagel in butter. 
   I frowned. Jeremy was not Jeremy. He was cooking, smiling, even his tone was different. It sounded happy and light and relaxed. And his manner was the same. He didn't seem dark or moody or high or depressed, by glad and joyful and... Happy. Really happy.
   "We used to bake all the time," he continued, serving me a warm bagel along with an assortment of spreads. "With Elena, remember?"
   I sat, frozen, unable to come up with any response. Jeremy never talked about Elena, or mom or dad. Not since the accident. Besides a brief mention in anger here and there, I didn't remember a time where he even said their names without breaking something. But here he was, out of bed and dressed before nine o'clock, baking and smiling and making small talk about our lost family. 
   "I remember, at the lake house, you and Elena used to get up early every morning and make pancakes, and then I'd come in and eat it all, pretending to be disappointed that I wasn't awake in time to help," he chuckled, recalling our fond memories together as siblings. "And then Elena would whip me with a damp tea towel and you guys tried to pin me down so you could brush flour all over me."
   His face lit up as he spoke, a sight I hadn't seen in a really long time. It was nice, and refreshing, but it worried me. As much as I loved and wanted Jeremy to be happy, this wasn't him. And I couldn't think of anything other than Damon's compulsion which could have made him feel this way. 


The little bell on the top of the door rang as I walked into the Grill, my eyes scanning the seats and bars for any sign of Damon or Stefan. At least if I found Stefan he could tell me where his brother was, or at least what he had told Jeremy to make him change so drastically. 
   Standing awkwardly in the doorway I searched the restaurant but there was no sign of him. I turned to leave when Mrs Lockwood caught me eye and came over to me, smiling in her knee length red dress and expensive Mary Jane's. 
   "Eva," she smiled, embracing me. Unsure of what to do, I tentatively patted her on the back and then released after a few seconds of awkward touching. "Are you OK, honey?" She asked, tilting her head. "I haven't seen you in a while and, well, I've seen your Aunt come into the bar almost every night since the Founders Party. I do hope she's not offended about what I said that night."
   "Well," I defended her. "You would be too if someone questioned your parenting styles. How is Tyler, by the way? He's been in a few fights at school, in fact, there was a big scrap at the Timber Wolves victory party after their first game. Did he tell you that?" I raised an eyebrow.
   Her smile faded and she gulped, eye contact wavering for a split second before she resumed her sweet, carefree manner. "Well, boys will be boys," she said quickly.
   "So, coming at Stefan with a broken beer bottle is excusable behaviour?" I suggested in a surprised tone. "Because I know if Jeremy did something like that he would never get away with it, or at least not with Aunt Jenna. Maybe if we came to live with you Mr Lockwood would let it slide, but Aunt Jenna disciplines violent behaviour."
   Mrs Lockwood stood still, speechless, unsure of how to respond while I just smirked. Eventually, she just laughed and continued talking as though the previous conversation had never happened. "So, you're doing well then?"
   I nodded. "Yes thank you, and you?"
   "Quite. Now, there is something I wanted to discuss with you. This weekend I am having high tea at my house with the women of the founding families and I was hoping you might accompany us. After all, you are the only remaining Gilbert woman and I believe you are performing a piece on the piano at the next town event."
   "I wouldn't call the Mystic Falls High School Performance Evening a town event-"
   "Not to worry," she grasped my hands. "The entire town will be there, and it truly is wonderful to see you getting back to things as usual, especially since the death of your parents and twin sister. You just won't let anything knock you down and we would love to have you at high tea this weekend."
   I opened my mouth to protest when I felt a pair of hands grasp my shoulder and someone plant a big kiss on my cheek before smiling sweetly at Mrs Lockwood. "Good morning ladies," he beamed.
   My eyes widened as I wiped his kiss from my cheek, disgusted that he would even think about doing that after everything he had put me through. "Damon-"
   "My you look lovely today, Mrs Lockwood," he charmed, draping his arm over my shoulders, much to my dismay.
   "Thank you Damon," she blushed, straightening her skirt.
   "And what a lovely perfume," he sniffed. "What is that? Roses?"
   She shook her head. "No, actually, an ancient herb called vervain. Smells delightful, doesn't it?"
   "Very," he beamed, the corners of his mouth forming a smile. "Now, I couldn't help but overhear you inviting Eva to high tea this weekend."
   "Oh," she raised her hands. "Yes. All of the women of the founding families will be attending and I'm hoping Eva will also grace us with her presence."
   "Oh yay," he scrunched his nose, squeezing my shoulder. "That sounds like fun, doesn't it Eva?"
   "Well actually-"
   "Don't worry," he interrupted, silencing me. "She'll be there. When is it?"
   "This weekend," she smiled sweetly.
   Damon's face fell. "Oh, well that is just too bad. We have plans this weekend," he shook his head as though it were a tragedy.
   "Oh?" She queried.
   "Yeah, we're goin' on a family picnic this weekend, Eva and I. Oh, and Stefan of course," he rolled his eyes. "Can't forget the boyfriend," he chuckled. "Eva and I just get along so well we're like brother and sister. Isn't that right, E?"
   "Um, yes," I agreed, realising Damon hadn't come over to trap me into flirting with him, but to get me out of high tea with Mrs Lockwood and all of her fancy pants friends.
   "Uh," he sighed happily. "Feel like I've known her forever," he laughed. "Which reminds me, if you don't mind Mrs Lockwood, I actually have something to discuss with Eva, about this weekend of course. Would you mind?" He raised his eyebrows expectantly.
   "Oh," she raised her eyebrows, slightly surprised but Damon's fast paced conversation. "Not at all, it is a shame though, Eva. It would have been to have you with us. Oh well, next time."
   "Next time indeed," Damon agreed, waving with his fingers as Mrs Lockwood left us.

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