~Chapter Twenty Four~

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Dear Diary,
   The last few days have been a whirlwind. It almost feels like Jeremy has always been this way; loving, caring, kind, considerate... I suppose he always was, he just lost his way a little there. I've finally accepted the changes Damon has made and I've stopped worrying about him. For the most part anyway.
   Last night the Sheriff called Aunt Jenna to see if she could bring Jeremy and I down to the station this morning so she could ask us a couple questions in regards to what happened to Vicki. Apparently she's also asked Matt and Stefan. I'm not worried about Jeremy's testimony because Damon's compulsion seemed to work fine, and Stefan and I discussed it last night on the phone. We have our story straight, but I'm nervous for Matt. Stefan and I both have no way of knowing what Vicki did or didn't tell Matt after the ran away from the Salvatore's and back to see Matt before the Halloween Party. We're hoping she didn't say much, but all will be revealed in a few hours.
   Besides the call with Stefan last night, I haven't talked to or seen him since the Halloween Party. He knows we are officially broken up, but every time we talk or see one another, he acts the same as he always has. Kind, loving, compassionate, caring... Just without the kissing. I'm not really sure how to act around him though. I mean, I don't want to shun him because he has been nothing but kind to me, but at the same time, I don't want to lead him on. It's not fair to him, and to be honest, I don't know if I can handle it. I cared about him so much, maybe even loved him, but I can't trust him if he keeps hiding things from me, and if I can't trust him, how can our relationship grow? 
   I've also been thinking about Bonnie. She's been totally honest with me about her magic and witch ancestry, and the fact that I can't tell her about Stefan and Damon is killing me! I mean, she's been having dreams about her great ancestor Emily who is directly linked to the Salvatore brothers. I mean, maybe that has something to do with Damon trying to the take the amulet.
   And Damon... Who knows what he's up to? The pain in my heart grows with every lie I tell and every secret I keep, but I can't betray Stefan's trust or put him and his brother in danger just because keeping their secret is hard. But then again, Bonnie not knowing is dangerous. I mean, whatever Damon is up to can't be good, and if he compels her or gives into his charm, something seriously bad could happen. And not just to Bonnie, but to everyone in Mystic Falls.
   Keeping her in the dark is dangerous, but so is exposing Stefan and Damon! If only Elena were here. She'd know what to do.


I tapped my fingers anxiously on the arm of the uncomfortable wooden chair in the cool, drafty hallway of the Sheriff station. Squeezed between Matt and Stefan, I stared straight ahead at the blank wall. It was common knowledge that Matt didn't like Stefan - it became known after he and Tyler tried to beat Stefan in a fight after their first game of the season - and I figured sitting in silence was better than risking an argument between my ex, and my sister's old boyfriend. 
   Ever since Stefan and I started dating, Matt and I had talked less and less, which was ashame because we were really close when he and Elena were dating. Matt blamed Stefan for our dying friendship, and I'm pretty sure he also blamed him for Vicki's sudden disappearance. After all, when Vicki escaped the safety and privacy of the Salvatore Boarding House Stefan came by to talk to Vicki, but Vicki refused to see him. Since he was protective of his little sister like I was of Jeremy, the two of them got into a fight, and now he hated him even more.
   Interrupting the tense silence with a loud exhale I fixed my eyes on the closed door of the Sheriff's office. Yep. Silence was definitely better.

The door clicked and swung open, Jeremy strolling out as though he had just aced a test. I had hoped I would be called next so I could get out of the hall before the boys one either side of me exploded, but Stefan was called first. And then me. Lucky last.
   Sitting across from Sheriff Forbes, I folded my hands in my lap and glanced around her small, box shaped office as she finished scribbling some notes on her pad from Stefan's interview. After Stefan had left and Matt went to get a drink of water, I took the chance to ask Jeremy what he'd told the Sheriff. He'd said he told her about the conversation he and Vicki had before she left and it broke my heart to listen to him speak. Not because Jeremy's girlfriend left him, but because of the power of compulsion. Stefan and I had talked about compulsion before, but I hadn't realised how strong and powerful it really was until I heard Jeremy recall the conversation which never happened. I could see it in his face as he spoke that he truly believed everything he was saying and it made me realise how much control Damon really had. I mean, he could compel anyone to think anything. He could easily convince the entire town of anything.
   "Eva," she smiled. "Thank you for coming. Now, I'm going to cut right to the chase because I'm sure you have better things to be doing with your time. I know I certainly do," she chuckled. "So far everything Matt, Jeremy and Stefan have told me matches up, but I want to hear your side of the story."
   I closed my eyes, relieved. Stefan and I knew the real story, and Jeremy knew what Damon had compelled him to remember, but Matt was a wildcard. Hopefully her questions were relevant to the answers Stefan and I had discussed.
   "Matt told me that the first time he saw Vicki after she disappeared the first time was before the party last week. He said he tried to convince her to stay home so they could talk about what had happened to her, but all she wanted to do was go to the party. They arrived together but as soon as they parked she disappeared, and that was the last time he saw her."
   Nodding, I relaxed my shoulders and took a deep breath. "Yes, that sounds right."
   "Jeremy said the two of you were at that party. Did you see Vicki before at all before she left?"
   I froze, my posture tense. Surely Sheriff Forbes would have asked Jeremy this earlier. What if he said had yes? Since Damon compelled Jeremy to remember an event which never happened, his recollection could be literally anything! If I said no, and Jeremy said yes, the Sheriff would know something was up. But if I said yes, and Jeremy had said no...
   "Eva?" She raised her eyebrows. "Well? Did you see her or not?"
   "Yes," I answered confidently, despite feeling totally nervous and panicked inside. Peering over the desk, I tried to read what Jeremy had said, but failed to read upside down. Anxious, I bit my lip as her eyebrows furrowed, suggesting something didn't quite add up.
   "That's interesting," she murmured.
   "What is?" I asked innocently, trying to keep my voice calm and oblivious. If she suspected any trickery or uncertainty I had a feeling we would all be here a lot longer.
   "Jeremy said you weren't there when she told him she was leaving. He said he and Vicki met in private for one final goodbye before she left."
   "Uh, she did," I agreed, nodding quickly. "They did," I repeated myself, trying to think of what to say next. "I saw Vicki, before that, in the hall. She was looking for Jeremy but I didn't know where he'd gotten to. After that she left."
   "And that was the last time you saw her?" She raised an eyebrow.
   "Did she say anything else to you? Something which might help us figure out where she went?"
   "No," I shook my head, relaxing back into the seat. "Are you planning on looking for her?"
   "Maybe," she sighed. "Matt's always looked out for Vicki and he agrees her leaving may just be for the best, but he wants to make sure she's OK. She wasn't a very reliable girl but he thinks she would have at least said goodbye before she left."
   "That would have been the decent thing to do," I agreed remorsefully.
   "According to both Matt and Stefan, after Vicki returned home Stefan came to see Vicki, but she wouldn't come out of her room to talk to him. Stefan said he went by because you asked him to check up on her because you were worried."
   "Yes," I nodded, recalling the discussion Stefan and I had had earlier.
   "I was worried because she was dating my brother, and after she disappeared the first time, I wanted to make sure nothing bad had happened before she saw Jeremy. Also, Vicki has never been the most stable person and frankly, I didn't want any of her drama to affect Jeremy."
   "And you didn't go and see for yourself?"
   "No." I paused. She did have a point, why wouldn't I go myself? "My sister Elena was dating Matt before... Anyway," I shook my head, wiping the moisture from my eyes. "Ever since, the relationship between Matt and I has been strained. I mean, he was my sister's boyfriend, and as much as I loved him, and still do, it's been really hard. And then there was the whole thing with Stefan-"
   "What thing with Stefan?" She sat up, her pen poised.
   "I hardly saw Matt over the Summer break, and when I came back to school, I think he felt somewhat protective over me," I replied, answering honestly for the first time since this interview had started. "Then I started dating Stefan and... I think Matt felt a little out of place, like he wasn't really sure where we stood." I shrugged. "Our relationship's been strained ever since and I didn't fee comfortable checking up on his sister like that after everything that's happened between us."
   Nodding, she wrote something down then tapped her pen on the edge of her desk, her bottom lip pulled over the top, deep in thought. "So, let me get this straight. The last you saw of Vicki was at the Halloween Party, just like everyone else. And she didn't tell you where she was going or why?" I shook my head. "And you sent Stefan to see Vicki because you didn't feel comfortable doing so with Matt around?"
   I exhaled, nodding in agreement. "Yep."
   "And you don't know why she refused to speak to Stefan?"
   "When you saw her, how did she seem? Was there anything different about her?"
   "Um..." The image of Vicki biting my shoulder flashed through my mind but I shook it away, smiling sweetly at the Sheriff. "No, everything was normal."
   "So nothing in her behaviour was different prior to her leaving town? No signs of violence or aggression?"
   Leaning on her desk, she narrowed her eyes, her expression serious. "Eva, do you believe Vicki has really left town?"


Matt, Jeremy, Stefan and I had to hang out at the Sheriff's station while Sheriff Forbes filled out some paperwork. Sitting in the waiting room, I rested my head on Jeremy's shoulder while Aunt Jenna giggled at a message which had come through on her phone. I rolled my eyes, chuckling to myself. At least someone's having a good day. 
   "Alright kids," Sheriff Forbes smiled. "You're free to go, thank you for your time."

Matt stayed back to talk to the Sheriff, but the rest of us were out of there in a flash, eager not to waste anymore of the sunny Fall day. Jenna was still texting so Jeremy guided her to the car, but I wasn't so keen to go home. I still had some questions for Stefan, and since he waiting for me by the lamp post outside, I figured now was a good a time as any.
   "I'll catch up," I reassured Jenna as they made their way to the car. As soon as they were out of earshot, I turned to Stefan. "I don't think she suspected anything."
   He nodded, his lips pressed in a tight line, hands shoved deep in his pockets. "Good, good. So how are you?"
   Folding my arms across my chest, I pulled the neck hole of my shirt back, revealing a faint scar from where Vicki bit me. "Physically, I'm fine."
   "Emotionally?" He raised an eyebrow, genuinely seeming to care.
   "I don't know how I feel," I concluded. "It's just, things have been so hectic lately, and I'm still getting used to the new Jeremy. Damon's compulsion worked really well."
   "But that's what you wanted, isn't it?"
   I hesitated. Did I really want Damon to erase my brothers memories? No, no I didn't. But I did want him to be free of pain and heartbreak. I guessed I wanted that more than free will. "Yes, but it made me realise how much power Damon really has. I mean, it's scary to think he could just, tell people something and they would believe it, no matter how absurd. If it was you, I wouldn't be so worried, but Damon?"
   Stefan nodded, understanding exactly where I was coming from. "He's unpredictable."
   I snorted. "I used to think mystery and unpredictability was hot, but I guess death has a way of changing one's perception."
   "I guess."
   An uncomfortable silence stretched between us and it was unbearable. He had been nothing but kind and loving. How we go from being completely and utterly head over heels with each other to awkward silences and uncomfortable weight shifting? "Stefan?"
   "I know I hurt you, by ending things between us, but I want you to know, I didn't do it to hurt you. I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, I just..."
   "You can't trust me," he finished, an underlying tone of sadness and remorse in his voice.
   "Yeah," I muttered, kicking a stone across the pavement with my shoe. "Um, I know you don't owe me any favours, but I was hoping you might help me with something."
   "Anything," he answered quickly, perking up a little bit.
   Once again, my heart broke. He was always so ready to help me with anything and everything from playing the piano to fighting vampires to keep me and my family safe. Anyone would think I was crazy for dumping this guy, but at the end of the day, it was me who had to live with my decisions, and I knew I couldn't live with being in a committed relationship with someone who didn't care enough to tell me the truth.
   "I want some vervain to give to my friends and family, but I'm not sure where to get some," I rolled my eyes. "And I have no idea how I'd go about handling it either." He paused, his eyebrows knitted together as he thought. "I know it burns you too, I guess I just figured you might have a little more experience handling it."
   He nodded. "Sure, I can do that. Though it might take me a little while. Since Zach's gone I gotta figure out a way to harvest it without, you know, touching it." 
   I nodded. "Yeah, OK. Thanks, just uh, let me know when and I'll come over."
   "Or I could bring it around to your house?" He suggested. "Saves you a trip."
   I frowned. Why didn't Stefan want me to come by his house? I mean, what else could he have to hide? He'd already told me his biggest secret. What else could there possibly be? "I don't mind."
   "I know, it's just, vampires like Damon tend to make a lot of mess with their blood. In fact, he's probably at home right now having a literal blood bath with a bunch of party girls."
   "Oh... Probably not the best idea then."
   "But I'll let you know when I've got it."
   "OK," I nodded as Jenna brought the car around. "Thanks."

Vampire Diaries Blood BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora