~ Chapter Sixty Two ~

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Dear Diary,
   It's Christmas! There are still so many unanswered questions, but things are finally starting to look up. Isobel's gone, I haven't seen Uncle John in over a week, Bonnie cared about me and the Salvatore's enough to dispel the Device, Caroline's kept the secret, Alaric and Jenna are happy, Jeremy's forgiven me... I thought Christmas would be hard this year, and it is. It's so strange without Mom and Dad and Elena, and we've all been through a lot, but I can honestly say that for the first time in a long time, I'm happy. I still think about Isobel and wonder who my birth father could be, but I'm not worried. Things are... Good.
   I'm still lying to Jenna, but I talked to Jeremy and he's OK. There are still things he doesn't know, but we're getting there, slowly. He hasn't told me anymore about wanting to turn, so I hope he's given up on that idea, but I don't want to ask. He's only just forgiven me and I don't want to ruin it. Hopefully he'll see how bad an idea it is. Anyway, I'm not going to think about any of that today.
   Jenna suggested we go to the Lake House for Christmas and, as skeptical as I was at first, I'm glad we're carrying on our family tradition, and I'm glad we're doing it without Uncle John. I won't get to spend Christmas with the family that I lost, but I do get to spend it with the family I've gained. Jenna's inviting Alaric, and Stefan and Damon are coming too.
   Jenna was skeptical about Damon coming, seeing as he wasn't a boyfriend, but he's still family in a strange, weird way. I mean, he's my boyfriend's brother, and besides, he doesn't really have anyone else. Jeremy wanted to invite Anna but, seeing as the Lake House is technically under my name, I told him I wouldn't be inviting her inside. He wasn't too happy with me, but I wouldn't consider Anna to come under the family umbrella. 

   I'm sad to say goodbye to the Gilbert Family Christmas Traditions, but I'm excited for the New Year and all it will bring. Fingers crossed it's better than the last.

"Eva! Come on! We're going to be late!" I beamed, my sun-kissed cheeks glowing as I slipped my diary under my pillow. No matter how crazy things got there was nothing like Christmas to make everything seem a little less gloomy.
   "Coming!" I called, adjusting my Christmas Tree earrings before grabbing my handbag from my dresser. Taking one final look in the mirror, I smiled. Not a fake or forced smile, but a real one. One that said I was fine, and one that meant it. I'd come a long way since the start of the school year. We all had.


Alaric heaved the sack full of presents over his shoulders, grunting at the weight as he trudged them inside. Jenna giggled, her loose strawberry blonde hair dotted with snowflakes as she gave his butt a little kick. Ew. Jeremy laughed, rolling his eyes before sliding my frayed antler headband behind my ears. "Can't forget these," he grinned.
   I giggled, adjusting my hair while he dressed his own head before draping his arm around my neck. He pulled me into his chest, kissing the side of my head. "I have a good feeling about this one, E."
   I pursed my lips, nodding before wrapping my arms around his waist. "Me too, Jere. Me too."

Snow frosted the windows as huddled around the flickering fire, beaming while we waited for Stefan and Damon. I rubbed my hands together, smiling as Jenna rested her head on Alaric's shoulder. Her brushed her hair back, kissing her forehead before taking her hand. "It was still weird that my Aunt and caregiver was dating my History teacher slash ex-stepdad slash vampire hunter, but they were cute. We were really starting to feel like a real family.
   "Ho, ho, ho!" I grinned, my cheeks blushing pink as Damon called from the door.
   "They're here," I squealed, clapping my hands excitedly. Oh how Christmas made me feel like a child. 
   I ran out the door, my smile permanent as I jumped at Stefan, my arms and legs wrapping around his torso like a koala hanging from a tree. He chuckled, his smile stretching from ear to ear as he slid his hands under my backside. I bit my lip, entranced by his dazzling eyes before pressing my lips against his. He kissed back, moving one hand to the back of my head to press my mouth harder against his. I stifled a giggle, gripping the ends of his hair while Damon rolled his eyes. "Come inside," I breathed, panting between kisses.
   His smile widened, his lashes fluttering as he shoved Damon out of the way to step over the mat. He tripped down the hall, pushing my back against a wall as my tongue found his. "Er-hm," Damon coughed, knocking his fist against the door frame. "Care to, you know," he tilted his head. "Invite me in?"
   I giggled, blushing as I slid back to the floor. "Damon," I tilted my head, flashing a smile. "Come in."  He nodded gratefully, sticking his tongue out before kicking his shoes off at the door. I placed my hand on Stefan's chest, scrunching the fabric lightly before re-walking to hall. "Merry Christmas, Damon," I beamed, draping my arms around his neck.
   He managed a smile, pressing his ear against mine before returning my embrace. "You too," he murmured, squeezing tight.
   I pulled back, my smile never once fading as I dragged them towards the living room. "Come on," I urged, tugging their hands. "We're about to do presents."

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