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Recap: "Penelope Fisher"


-Zach's POV-

"Penelope Fisher" Talia growled out, her grip on the table tightened. The ombre, green eyed girl in front of us smirked, pressing the palms of her hand on our table near Corbyn.

"Fancy seeing you in London with five hot boys" the girl said, taking her bottom lip in between her teeth. Her gaze lingering on each of us for a few seconds. I felt Talia's body tense up and I glanced down at her.

Her face was beetroot red, her jaw clenched and her eyes glazed over, "Fuck off Penelope" she hissed.

Penelope cackled, "Where's the fun in that Tals" she said with a fake smile on her face.

"After all you've hooked up and then fucked every boy at school, it won't be that hard to fuck off from us" Talia innocently said.

Gazing around the table, the girls bit back a laugh as the boys and I sat there stunned at what Talia had said. "Just cause you couldn't get a guy after Luke doesn't mean you have to be such a bitch" Penelope snarled out as she sent daggers in Talia's direction.

"At least I wasn't  diagnosed with STD's" Talia bit back and I bit my lip, a laugh itching at the back of my throat.

A gasp escaped from the girls mouth, "That was you!" She shrieked and I glanced at Talia to see a smirk on her face as she leaned back into the leather booth.

"You deserved it Penelope, after dumping me to the curb and going to those bitches in 7th grade" Talia said.

"We were called bitches" Penelope exclaimed, flailing her arms in the air, an irritated look on her face as she glared at Talia.

"Well you were called worse after hanging out with Sadie and her clang" Talia retorted with an annoyed tone. Penelope rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, just drown yourself in sugar" She said throwing the salt dispenser, stifling back our laughter was getting difficult but the girls cracked up even more, Olivia's head rolling onto Daniel's shoulder.

"You mean the salt....." Talia said trailing off, her smirk widening on her lips. The longer we held back our laughter, the harder breathing became. The entire table boomed with loud laughter, nasty stares being sent in our direction. Penelope's face reddened in embarrassment. The sound of her heels clanked against the tiled floor.

"W-who was t-that?" Gabbie choked out. The rest of us started to calm down after getting told off by one of the employees.

"That was Penelope Fisher" Talia said with a blank expression on her face, as if she was masking her actual emotion. "She's my ex-best friend".

"Ex?" Daniel asked, an eyebrow raised and I watched as Talia shuffled in her seat beside me. I placed my hand on-top of hers and rubbed her hand soothingly. Her muscles relaxed from it's tense state.

"You don't have to tell us if you're not ready" Olivia said.

Before she could answer, the same waitress from before approached our table with our drinks but mine had a small umbrella. I looked at the drink confused. "Can I get you'll anything else?" She asked, quite sweetly.

"Yeah our meals" Talia said and her hand tightened under mine. The lady sent a fake smile in Talia's direction and pulled out a notepad from her apron pocket. "I'll have the fish and chip potion" she sweetly said, batting her eyelashes at the waitress.

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