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-Zach's POV-
I bounced around stage, microphone in hand as we sang the last song for tonight's show. Grinning as the fans screamed along to the lyrics that boomed around the packed venue.

"I don't belong in this club!" We sang simultaneously before the crowd erupted into ear-piercing screams. The stage lights flickered off before we bolted backstage, sweat rolling down the side of my face.

"That was insane" Jack breathlessly said, swiping a finger against the beads of sweat that trickled down the side of his face, a grin plastered on his face but it faltered once his fingers ran through his hair.

"I can still feel the rush of adrenaline" Daniel said and I raised an eyebrow at the words that spewed out of his mouth. The chants of the fans become faint whispers as we strolled further into the venue, making our way towards the green room where the girls were.

"Anyways....."Jonah trailed off as the sound of people yelling could be heard, I stared at the white wooden door. "What is going on?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I shrugged, nearing the room.

My hand hovered over the doorknob, "You can't keep hiding your feelings Talia!" Christina screamed at her and I frowned.

"You're not my Mum Chris" Talia growled out and I pressed my palm against the knob, screwing my eyes as their tone increased.

"No, I'm not but hiding this from Zach could make things worse" Christina said.

"He doesn't need to kno-" Talia started before another voice interrupted her.

"No! You promised us that you'd speak to him about this! You can't run away from this" Gabbie exclaimed. I heard quick movement on the other side of the door.

"Really? Watch me try" Talia hollered, I jumped back as the door swung open to reveal a teary eyed Talia and four other enraged teens. Talia blinked before her brown orbs settled on my own.

"Talia" I whispered, stretching my hand, placing it on her shoulder but before I could blink she was out of my sight. I twirled around to see her disappear down the corridor, her plaid baby blue skirt rose up as she bolted away from us, "BABE!" I called out.

I sighed and massaged my forehead, "What happened in here?" Daniel questioned as we stepped into the room but I couldn't bring myself to close the door, I turned around, expecting to see Talia run back in but to my dismay, no one appeared.

I slammed the door with a bang causing everyone in the room to jump at the booming sound, "Zach, it wasn't our fault" Olivia softly said and I snapped my head in her direction, her lips curved downwards, small frown on her face.

"Then who's fault is it? The four walls?!" I sarcastically say while glaring at the four girl sitting in front of me, wide-eyed. I exhaled and inhaled, "I'm sorry, I'm just worried about Talia. She's been jittery these past few days and it's concerning".

"We're trying to tell her to not bottle it all up but she's too stubborn to listen to us" Tate grumbled and I sighed, running my fingers through my drenched hair.

"I'll speak to her after the concert, could y'all go and find her?" I ask as I plop myself on the couch, resting my elbows in my knees as I rubbed my forehead.

"What about Lu—" Jack started but a gentle knock on the door was heard and I raised an eyebrow before hauling myself off of the couch. Jack sighed and picked up Lavender from her little play mat on the floor, "We'll find her" he muttered.

I smiled, "Thanks bro" I say pulling him into a bro, trying my best not to squeeze the infant in his arms. I strolled towards the door and swung it open to reveal an overly excited Lucas. "Hey" I greet as he strolled into the green room.

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