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Dark Mind has oficially hit 1k! Holy shit, thank you guys so much. Never in a million years would I have imagined that this book would get this much attention.

These past few days, and week in general, have been very tough not gonna lie. So many stuff has been happening, and I've been trying to be positive but life doesn't seem let me. And it royally sucks, to feel like everything is spiraling out of control and I'm helpless, I can't do anything about it. When I saw this yesterday, I think it was the first time in a while that I actually felt myself geniunly smile, and not just fake one. I consider this a reminder, that even if the sun doesn't shine today, it will shine tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, at some point it will happen. To all that are struggling like me, let this be your reminder.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. This small detail means a lot to me and the support I have received from day one continues to shock me.

This chapter is one of my favorites, and is very special to me due to the meaning. I hope y'all like it.


Tyler pov

I coudint stop thinking about the lady from the cemetery as I touched the silver wings that hanged around my neck and held J's hand for dear life. The old woman, my mothers look alike, told me to have faith, but I could not stop thinking in the what ifs. I felt like I was drowning, so many thoughts and emotions.

Maddy came back, with Sebastian. I went from sad to mad in a second. I almost punched him in the face had Madelane not interfered. She shot me an angry look and went to sit on the couch. I coudint help but scoff.

"What was that?" She asked.

"You know, I don't understand you. One minute, you're literally a mess because of what this asshole did to you and the next you're all cozy with him?! What the actual hell Madeline?!" I said turning so I could face her, my voice raised. I let go of J's hand and stood, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Watch you're mouth, Parker." Sebastian growled as he tried to put his arm around Maddy but she shook him off.

"Fuck off Sebastian. Nobody gives two shits about what you have to say." I growled back, my anger rising.

"It is none of you're damn business, Tyler. So stand the fuck down." She seethed at me.

"Like hell it ain't. I had to helped you get through what this asshole did to you. So why does he get a second chance but I dont?!" I shot back and in a flash she was in front of me.

"What about you this morning? Why do you care when I mean absolutely nothing to you? Having second thoughts huh?! Well good! Because I will always remind you of what an asshole you are." She spat, fury in her eyes, pointing a finger at me.

"Tyler back the hell off before I kick you're ass." Sebastian stood too and pushed Madelane behind him.

"Fuck off Sebastian, don't go confusing yourself as to where you stand." Madelane tried to push him but he violently shook her off and she fell to the ground.

"You're fucked up Madeline. After you bring him inside and all, you have the nerve to tell him 'dont go confusing yourself'?! You both deserve each other, fucking hypocrites." I said and suddenly Sebastian took a swing at me, taking me completely off guard and landing a solid punch on my face. I was about to punch his smug ass face back wen we heard someone shout.

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