Chapter 36 : Vanished

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Taehyung was frozen when heard those words from the Moon Goddess.

He wants to continue with the deal in exchange for his mate's life, but for the pretty omega, giving up his unborn child is TOO MUCH TO ASK.

He suddenly went silent. He looks down and starts to have an inner battle wether to give up their child or not. But he knows Guk might hate him if he finds out.

He needs time... He loves Guk and their unborn child and it's so hard for him to let go of their little princess. It was their first child.Months ago, he was already starting to imagine what does she look like, is she pretty like her Mama?Is she an Alpha or an Omega pup?Is she also smart like his Papa or as sassy as her Mama. He imagined it all in his mind even before Guk's death. He was excited to be a parent,so as his handsome and loving mate. And they will do everything for her.

The rare omega never thought this day will come, that their most priced possession will be taken away from them. He is trying not to get selfish, but there's no other option. Because if there is, the Moon Goddess will be giving him another option, but THERE IS NONE.

He was so caught up in the middle and his mind starts to get cloudy and tears starts forming into his eyes until the Moon Goddess speaks...

"My dear omega, do you still want your wish to be granted? "

Taehyung slowly looks up to the Moon Goddess confused and heartbroken. His tears starts to fall very slowly.

"Moon Goddess I'm-I... "

He cannot speak, his mind wants to agree with it, not being a bad mother but for him it was the only hope he has to get Guk back to life. But, his heart is stopping him. Still, whatever decision he may end up with may leave him heartbroken and empty.

And there was silence...


In less than a few minutes, he starts to talk to her as he looks straight into her eyes...

"It's-It's so hard my Moon Goddess, I want to be very honest with you. C-can y-you t-take my life instead a-and bring back my mate to life then s-spare our child? "

The Moon Goddess responds...

"No my dear omega, I WANT YOUR UNBORN CHILD. That's the most precious thing you can offer to me right now. I don't need any material things.Just your ONLY UNBORN CHILD. "

The helpless brokenhearted omega wants to scream because of so much pain in his heart. He cannot take it anymore.When he was younger, he lost his parents during the attack of their enemy clan and became heroes. He has relatives but he lost his parents. He feels like there is NOTHING left for him. And now his mate, the love of his life died followed by his unborn child to be sacrificed, the ONLY reason why he still wants to hold on in life will also be taken away. He feels like his whole existence was a CURSE.


He thought of all those unfortunate and painful things while he was trying to get a hold of his sanity.

For him, the world was so CRUEL.

He became happy with his new chapter in his life with Guk and their unborn child then suddenly,THEY WILL BE TAKEN AWAY from him just like that leaving him so vulnerable and helpless. He just wanted to DIE...

Taehyung went silent again, contemplating what to do and the Moon Goddess went closer to him.

"I can see and feel your hesitation my dear omega.I know that this decision takes time and it's really hard to let go of something that is really important to you, but time is running out. Once the sun rises, I will be gone and there's no guarantee when will I see you again."

Taehyung didn't answer. He cannot contain his emotions,so as his tears.

"I guess, you cannot give what I want Taehyung. Just please be strong for your little one. I know you will be a great Luna to your pack. " The Moon Goddess says with a genuine soft smile as she turns around.

But when the pretty omega came back to his senses and saw that the Moon Goddess was already about to vanish, he tries to stop her by saying...

"My Moon Goddess w-wait! P-please I am begging you, please hear my plea!"
The pretty omega begs as tears were still rolling down his face.

The Moon Goddess stops walking and slowly turns around, giving the pretty omega the sign that she is listening.

"I-I AM OFFERING MY UNBORN CHILD T-TO Y-YOU." Taehyung says with shaky hands.

The Moon Goddess was emotionless as she looks at the poor omega...


"Y-YES my Moon Goddess,take her. "
As soon as he said those words, he feels numb and he feels like his heart was already DEAD. He cannot believe that he just offered their ONLY UNBORN CHILD. And he knows he will regret it for the rest of his life.

He walks closer to the Moon Goddess and waits for her move.

The Moon Goddess looks at him and wipes his tears and starts to touch his growing tummy, he was about to give birth in a few months time...

When he felt the Moon Goddess hands onto his tummy, he closed his eyes.He does not want to see how will his baby be taken away from him. He can't take it and it will break his heart even more, so he decided to close his eyes to lessen even the slightest pain his heart feels at the moment as he starts to think that everything was JUST A DREAM. A very bad dream....

He continues to close his eyes as he felt the warm hands of the Moon Goddess surrounding his whole tummy.Her hands were shining and even if the omega closed his eyes, the light was really radiating to the whole surroundings.

He was waiting for any kind of pain but there wasn't. Taehyung just stood there as he lets the Moon Goddess hold his tummy and take over while he was still crying so hard.

After a few minutes the light was gone...

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes to see what is going on. Only to see the Moon Goddess smiling proudly at him...

"My rare omega, I am so proud of you. I know that your heart is pure but I need to test you more and you passed all of my test. I asked you to offer your unborn child but before giving in, you offered yourself instead.You didn't think of yourself. You are SELFLESS. And not only that, you really did offer your unborn child to me. The pain that you're feeling right now is so unbearable and I know that. You lost the people you love and with that, you have proven yourself more than enough to me.You are a TRUE luna and your love is pure and sincere.So you deserve a reward that you'll never forget.You will know what it is when I see you again..."

Taehyung's eyes widens with what the Moon Goddess told him.He was in a complete state of shock at the moment. Just when he was about to speak, the Moon Goddess suddenly VANISHED in thin air...

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