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When September first arrived, Scorpius and his family stood on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters with his family. Albus was complaining, as per usual, while Scorpius kept his eyes on the ground. Just like always, whispers engulfed him. Look. Scorpius and Draco Malfoy. And the Potters. Malfoy-Potters---didn't you know? Twelve years ago. . .

"Hey, Scorpius!" a familiar voice called. He looked up and saw Violet Weasley, his best friend, coming towards him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Harry stiffen. "How was your birthday? I've got your present in my trunk."

"Oh, er, that's okay, Vi, " mumbled Scorpius. "It was fine. Look, I've got a new watch."

"Woah, it's cool, " she peered down at the planet that Scorpius couldn't name. "Mars. . .hm. Odd."

Scorpius hit his forehead. "I thought it could be Mars! Oh, man, that's weird."

Violet laughed and said, "This is my father, Ronald Weasley." She motioned to a man with short, greying red hair. He was tall and had a long nose. Scorpius frowned when the man stood up straighter, looking at Harry and Draco with a loathing look.

"These are my fathers, Harry and Draco Malfoy-Potter." Harry put a hand on both Albus and Scorpius' shoulders, glaring at Mr Weasley through his glasses. Scorpius continued nervously, "And, uh, this is my b---best friend, Vi---Violet Weasley."

Draco whispered in Harry's ear, "Let go. You're scaring him, Harry."

Harry let go, looking directly at Ronald Weasley. When they had been seventeen, Harry had tried to keep his relationship with Draco a secret, but Ronald had ruined that. He had eavesdropped on him and Draco having no concerns and no clothes.

In return, Harry smashed his face into the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. And, with a sickening crack, Harry had broken Ronald's nose. That had severed what little friendship they had. And Harry hadn't spoken to him since.

"Weasley, " he nodded coldly. He pursed his lips.

"Potter, " Ronald growled. "Or shall I say Malfoy-Potter?"

Harry glared at him. "Malfoy-Potter works fine."

Draco, trying to keep some peace between them, said, "Wonderful to see you again. Are you still with Hermione Granger?

Violet bowed her head and Erick, who had appeared behind his father, narrowed his eyes. Ronald Weasley clenched his hands. "She's dead, Malfoy."

"Oh, " muttered the blonde man, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry."

The Hogwarts Express let out a low whistle and the four teenagers made their way to the train, but not without hugs from their guardians. "Strange, isn't it?" Draco said to Harry as they climbed into their car.

"What is?"

"Seeing Ronald Weasley after so long. Learning that Granger died."

Harry swallowed. "I don't want to think about it. They were horrible when---"

"We were all just seventeen. We didn't even know what to do with ourselves. Hell, I'm sure they didn't either."

Harry huffed. He wasn't going to admit that it was foolish to hold a grudge that didn't even matter anymore. "I still hate them."

"You can't condemn a dead woman."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? I just did. Fuck her. And him."

Scorpius tried not to look at Erick, who still had a dangerous air to him. But, then again, he looked quite nice; his hair was parted to the side, showing off a part that he had shaved off. His structure was less gangly and a bit more muscular. His brown-blue eyes were shut and he was leaning back.

Groaning, Albus said, "Aren't you both excited?"

"About what?" asked Scorpius, looking at his brother.

Albums grinned and wagged his eyebrows. "Violet, " he said. She started. He continued, "Wouldn't it be nice to be with Scorpius here?"

Violet raised an eyebrow and Erick opened one of his eyes, looking at Scorpius, whose face was red. "Albus, shut up. Shut up now, " hissed the blonde. "Albus, I'm serious!"

Albus laughed. "Calm down, I was just making sure before I got you a girlfriend."

Scorpius told him, "I'm not interested."

Violet asked him, "Why are you trying to get him a girlfriend?"

"Because, " Albus said, "he's never had one! Hell, I'll bet he never kissed anyone, either."

Scorpius' cheeks went pink as he said, "Albus, I swear to Merlin that---"

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

Erick, who had been watching silently, purchased some Ice Mice and sucked them idly, thinking to himself.


Alone was Scorpius Malfoy atop the Astronomy Tower. He looked down at where the Forbidden Forest lay, wondering how it looked on the inside. There was a howl from deep within and Scorpius shivered.

He loved heights. They always gave him a burst of adrenaline, which he loved. Maybe he was just odd like that, as Albus always said.

"I didn't know you came up here too." Scorpius jumped up, turning as he whipped his wand out of his pocket. Standing there, was Erick Weasley, grinning sheepishly. "Merlin, don't kill me."

"You startled me, " mumbled Scorpius, shoving his wand back into his pocket. He turned and sat back down. Erick sat down as well.

"It's past curfew."

"Then why are you here?"

Erick shrugged, grinning the entire time. "I like to be alone, sometimes." Scorpius laughed and Erick added, "I like your laugh."

Scorpius left quickly, biting the inside of his cheek. He hated his laugh. It was long, airy, and giggly. Often, he wished he could change it.

For a few weeks, he avoided Erick Weasley. Usually, this meant that he was late for his classes. But he couldn't do that forever, as Scorpius frowned while he made it to the top of the Astronomy Tower, taking a breath when he saw the redhead sitting there, looking up at the stars.

Scorpius sat down next to him, but, to his relief, Erick didn't turn his head. Instead, he asked, "You think the shit about what Sinistra says about the planets are true?"

"How they impact us?" asked Scorpius. "I'm not sure. Why do you ask?"

He shook his head. "Just. . .something both she and Trelawney said to me. It's just. . .ah, nevermind."

Scorpius looked at him and said, "I don't think the planets or whatever have any say in your choices. My fathers always said that we---Albus and I---always had a choice in our futures."

Erick scoffed and rolled his eyes, laughing coldly. "Yeah, your parents told you and Albus that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Erick ignored him, leaving and shaking his head to himself. Scorpius watched him leave but didn't stop him.

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