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Birthdays were something Scorpius often looked forward to. But, as Albus was telling a grand and exhilarating story about dragons and princesses and a dashing prince (that Albus described as having flowing black hair and forest green eyes), Scorpius felt something bitter in the pit of his stomach.

He felt especially irritated when Erick laughed at Albus' story. Violet, being full of energy, reenacted what Albus was saying, batting her eyelashes as she was the princess, snarling when the dragon was brought up.

Erick laughed again as the dragon (now played as Teddy) was slain by the prince, Albus Potter. Scorpius crossed his arms, trying not to focus on Erick's laugh. His chest felt compressed as if someone were kneeling on it.

He chewed his lip absently, barely registering what was happening in front of him. Scorpius felt his stomach churning as Erick told Albus, "Do another!"

Lucy, Teddy's new dog, barked and jumped up onto the couch. She put her head in Scorpius' lap and he scratched behind her soft doggy ears. Albus began a new story, one about a wizard who saved the world with only his pet rock.

When it seemed like nobody was paying attention to him, he slipped into the kitchen, helping himself to a piece of his cake. He sat on the counter, eating it slowly. Patiently, he waited for the sound of Albus' voice to fade into death before he wanted to go back into the den.

To his surprise, Teddy came into the kitchen. "Are you alright, Scorp?"

"Yup, "

Teddy, not convinced, looked at Scorpius. "Is it Albus?"

Scorpius shrugged and mumbled, "It's fine."

Teddy furrowed his teal eyebrows. "Scorpius, what's the matter?" Scorpius shrugged again and slid off of the counter. He set his plate in the sink, pursuing his lips as Teddy asked, "Is it because he's getting more attention?"

"No, I don't care, " Scorpius told him plainly. "That's just how it always is."

"What do you mean?"

"He's popular, if you haven't noticed. Charismatic, fun, danger-junkie. He's just doing what he's good at." Scorpius couldn't deny that the last bit was said a bit acidly. Scorpius never really cared that Albus seemed to get along well with nearly everyone. But, as of late, it seemed to eat at him.

"Are you upset about that?"

"No, why would I be?" Scorpius asked impatiently. He said as he walked out of the kitchen, "Just mind your business. I'm none of your concern."

Teddy stood there for a moment, his thoughts churning. Eventually, he decided that it was just teenage hormones and nothing serious.

Soon, he left Draco and Harry's home, telling them, "You should get a dog."

"We have, like, three owls, " Harry said. "That's enough for me."

Draco smiled. "You look like a cat person."

"Shut up, " Harry told him. He turned, seeing that Albus and Scorpius' friend Violet were having an argument over who was best at Quidditch. "Are you going over to St Mungo's?"

"Yeah, " Teddy grinned. "I've got a shift at the children's ward. They bite, though."

Draco grinned. "I remember when you were just this tall." He put a hand to his hip. "You bit too."

Harry looked at Draco, asking, "How old was he then? That was before we were together, yeah?"

"He was three, " Draco told him with distaste. "I've got a scar on my ankle from him."

Teddy laughed. "I don't bite anymore."

Harry said, "Thank Merlin Albus never bit. Or Scorpius."

Teddy grinned and said that he would come by for Christmas, leaving for his job at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

Upstairs, in Scorpius' bedroom, Erick shut the door quickly, grinning as he caught Scorpius off guard. He kissed him softly, asking, "Did you like my present?"

"I loved it, Erick, " Scorpius blushed sweetly, all of his resentment forgotten. "How'd you get the picture?"

"It's this spell---you think of the memory and it gets put into a photograph. Took a week, but it was worth it." Erick smiled and kissed Scorpius again.

The blonde kissed him back earnestly, wanting to be as close as possible. He felt Erick's hands running up his shirt, skimming his pale skin. Scorpius shivered when Erick whispered his name.

Scorpius trembled between Erick's hands when his shirt had suddenly ended up on his bed. Erick calmed him with another kiss, letting Scorpius tug him so close that neither could tell whose breath was whose.

There was a click and somebody said, "Hey, Scorp, who do you---"

Scorpius jumped back, shoving Erick in the process. He looked over at his door, where Albus was gaping at both him and Erick. Violet's eyes were wide and shiny.

"Vi---" Erick began, but his sister ran out of the house. He looked at Albus, trying not to turn away. Scorpius hastily put his shirt back on, tears stinging his eyes. "Albus. . ."

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