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Scorpius opened his eyes, finding that he was in Erick's bed. Sitting up, his mouth felt dry and his head was pounding with a headache and not the usual migraine.

He stood and stretched his arms over his head, glancing down at his watch. It was nearly two in the afternoon the next day.

Silently, Scorpius stepped out of the bedroom and into the small living room, where Erick was flipping through the television as he ate Chinese takeaway. Erick looked up.

"Hey, " he said. "I ordered some food. It's not poisoned or anything, so---"

"I'm fine."

Erick frowned. "You haven't eaten anything since you've been here."

Scorpius rubbed his face, saying, "I think I'm dying."

Erick grinned. "You're just hungover." He went over to a cabinet in his kitchen, handing the blonde a small vial of pink liquid. "Here, " he said, "this should help. It tastes wonderful."

Scorpius uncorked it and drank it. He grimaced and wrinkled his nose. "That was disgusting."

Erick laughed. "Yeah, but if I said that, you wouldn't drink it." Scorpius glared at him and went over to the couch. He sat down heavily, groaning. Erick brought him a glass of water, adding, "This'll help a bit too. How'd you sleep?"

"Good, " he replied. "Did I say anything stupid?"

Erick shook his head, reclining down beside him. His hand rested calmly on Scorpius' leg, tapping an uneven beat. "Nah, you just whined a bit. Nothing else."

Scorpius held back a sigh. He pushed Erick's hand away. Standing up, he went to one of the cabinets that he had seen Erick taking one of his bottles of alcoholic beverages out of, but he found that the cabinet was empty. He looked in several other cupboards, but he found them all in the same condition as the first.

"I dumped them all down the drain, " he heard Erick tell him.


Erick shifted his weight from leg to leg, rubbing his neck nervously. "Just a realization." Scorpius raised an eyebrow. "I should have stopped a long time ago. Really."

"Convenient that you throw out all of your alcohol the day after I get drunk."

Erick shook his head. "No, I just postponed it, Scorp. But now they're gone, so. . .yeah." He shrugged nonchalantly, grinning at Scorpius.

The silver-eyed boy sighed. "Good." Scorpius was happy that he wasn't the cause for Erick emptying his and Albus' alcohol down the drain.

But Erick was lying. He didn't want Scorpius to know that he had done that for him only. He hated seeing Scorpius drunk even if he thought it was a bit funny and cute. Erick Weasley didn't want to be the reason or influence behind Scorpius thinking it was okay.

There were a few knocks on the front door. Quickly, Erick went over, looking through the peephole. "Oh, " he said. "It's Albus."

He made to open the door as Scorpius hissed, "Do not tell him that in here!" And, before Erick could ask why, he rushed to Erick's room. He heard the opening and shutting of a door, which Erick realized was his closet door.

Erick opened the door and his jaw dropped. "What happened to your neck?"

Albus frowned and said, his voice rough, "Not even going to offer me to come in?"

Erick nodded and stepped aside. "Come in, princess, " he joked. Albus chuckled as he came in, not sitting on the couch. He frowned. "Chinese food?"

Time After Everything || a Sequel to Saving MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now