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Scorpius didn't fall asleep for a long while after his encounter with Erick Weasley. Instead, he lay awake, his fingers twisting one of his ties. He ran a finger over his lips softly, hoping for a trace of the memory of Erick's lips.

A breath escaped his mouth as Scorpius remembered the tender feeling, the gentleness of his brother's best friend. His brother's best friend. . .would he approve of him and Erick being together? Would his fathers?

Scorpius turned onto his side, biting his bottom lip as he thought. Obviously, Harry hated Ronald Weasley. Draco didn't, but that could change.

With a pang of defiance, Scorpius thought, I won't be like them. They aren't me and I am not them. I'm not like them at all.

Viciously, he rolled onto his other side, ignoring the protesting bed springs. Scorpius hissed, "Stupid teenage hormones!" quietly, as there were other students sleeping.

One, Scorpius got along with just fine. His name was Lee Fletcher. Often, he asked Scorpius for help on assignments, though he was shy about it, Scorpius helped him. "Thanks, mate." He told Scorpius after one time. "Couldn't do it without you."

Lee had a crush on Violet and, even if he wouldn't admit it, Scorpius saw it quickly. He even thought that Violet liked the other boy back.

And Scorpius could see why; his hair was a deep, rich dirty blonde colour and was wavy, even though he kept it on the shorter side. His eyes were brown in colour, though they looked almost black.

He was fun, but Scorpius wondered vaguely why, after every break from the castle, Lee came back with a sour and foul mood. However, it was lifted after he spoke to Scorpius or Violet.

Gradually, Scorpius' mind travelled back to Erick. There was no doubt that he was handsome and charismatic. Girls and boys alike fawned over him. On several occasions, Scorpius had caught him with other boys, but he always assumed Erick was 'testing the waters' as his grandfather Remus laughed when Albus was trying out some new scheme.

As homosexual as can be. Scorpius wrung his hands together as Erick's voice rang in his ears. He had never felt attracted to another girl. Would that mean. . .?

No, he decided firmly. No, you aren't like Dad. Or. . .Dad. Slowly, he let the soft tendrils of sleep kiss his skin and drag him into a slumber that he wished would last an eternity.


The next morning, Scorpius dressed quickly while Lee Fletcher spoke to him about Violet. Not really listening, he waited for Lee to finish dressing before grabbing his school bag and leaving Gryffindor Tower, making his way to the dungeons, where Potions was held.

"I'm surprised you haven't made a move on her, Scorpius, " Lee babbled as they walked.

Scorpius asked, "Why would I? She's my best friend. That'd be odd, wouldn't it?"

Lee shrugged. "I dunno. You two seem so close that---"

"I'm not interested in her, Lee."

Lee Fletcher grinned and said, "Just making sure."

"Aren't you not the type to go after one person?" Albus asked his friend. Last night, Erick couldn't resist telling him that he had a boyfriend and not just somebody to mess around with. "Like, you haven't tried this before. And I still don't understand why you can't tell me who it is."

"Because he doesn't want anybody to know, " Erick reminded him. "And I'm sure I can handle it. It's not that different, is it?"

Albus raised an eyebrow. "Yes, it is. That's like me going around and fucking every girl in sight and then turning and getting a girlfriend."

Time After Everything || a Sequel to Saving MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now