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Draco didn't know what to do with his hands. So he wiped them on his jeans. Then through his hair.

He ran his tongue along his teeth, frowning as he tried to steady his breath. He hadn't felt this nervous since his and Harry's wedding. Was he supposed to act normal around his son?

What on earth was he supposed to do when he went into Scorpius' room? Hugging him was not an option Scorpius could get behind. Maybe he should just. . .stand there? Yeah, thought Draco. Maybe that's the best thing.

But the moment he stepped through the doorway, Draco felt a surge of happiness at seeing his youngest son even though Scorpius didn't look like he was happy. In fact, he looked as if he were going to be sick.

His cheeks were a bit flushed even though the rest of his face was pale, his hands wringing together nervously. Scorpius opened his mouth, but closed it almost immediately. His pale grey eyes turned to Teddy, but he finally spoke, his voice quiet and trembling.

"Hello." He tilted his chin up, his features heavily defined in his malnourishment.

"Hi, Scorp," said Draco softly.

There was just a moment of awkward silence before Teddy suggested to Scorpius, "How about you sit down, buddy?"

"I'm okay," the boy replied slowly, looking down at his feet. The silence, to him, was enough to make his head explode. It wasn't like the silence with Erick; not full of love and unsaid words, but this was. . .he couldn't quite describe it.

Teddy said, stepping towards Scorpius, "You know, it'll be easier if you talk."

"What do you want me to say?" Scorpius asked, looking at Draco and not Teddy. "This wasn't my idea."

Draco felt a surge of hope in his chest, telling his son as he made his way towards him, "Scorp, I---" Teddy put a hand on his shoulder, preventing him from moving farther.

Scrambling to renew his length away from Draco, Scorpius stood with his back against the wall, his jaw clenched. He heard Teddy whisper to Draco, "Don't. Not now."

Draco nodded solemnly, telling Scorpius, "I loved your mother when I knew her. I---I never had seen her when she was closer along and she---"

"If you loved her, why didn't you see her?" countered Scorpius, glaring at his father. When Draco didn't answer, he continued. "If you really loved her, you wouldn't have left her alone."

Draco said, "Scorp, she never told me she was pregnant. If she had---"

"What?" questioned the blonde boy. "Would you have stayed?" He scoffed, waving his hand. "You wouldn't have. Maybe for a little while, but you would have left because of Dad---Harry, I mean."

"Scorp," Teddy began sternly. He lowered his tone, making it soft as he said, "Look, buddy. Just sit down and take a few breaths---"

"No," Scorpius countered sharply. "No, I don't think I want to, buddy." He crossed his arms, taking a deep breath despite what he had told Teddy. Taking another breath, Scorpius glared at Teddy.

Stepping forward, Teddy placed a hand on the boy's arm, giving him a comforting squeeze. "Here, come sit down." Under his breath, he added so that Draco wouldn't hear, "Give him a chance, Scorp."

"Fine," he murmured after a moment of thought, plopping down onto the mattress. He looked down at his thighs, doing his best not to bring his hand to his mouth and bite on his knuckle.

"And don't interrupt this time, okay?" Teddy whispered, sitting beside him.

"Okay," said Scorpius softly, glancing up at the door, half wanting Erick to show up and hold his hand. Maybe he would have even wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

Time After Everything || a Sequel to Saving MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now