| Chapter 30 |

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Chapter Thirty

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After shoving away my thoughts about the dream I had earlier, I went to this burger place with Adrien (even though he shouldn't be eating fatty foods during a shoot) and I had a burger while he ate onion rings. Obviously I bought a milkshake.

Now I was aggressively drinking my milkshake as I watched Adrien take pictures with another model. I thought he would be taking pictures by himself! Not with a girl.

Gosh, I sounded like a jealous girlfriend....

I mean, I am indeed jealous, not that I would admit that out loud, but what can you expect?

I like him for Pete's sake!

I crossed my leg over the other as I listened to the photographer calling out orders and telling them how to pose.

While watching Adrien, I took note of how professional he looked. I think he was wearing one of the pieces I did a few months back and he was rocking it.

"Are they going to be finished anytime soon?" I asked the stylist that sat beside me. She looked surprised that I was talking to her. Didn't models or designers talk to stylists? I'm sure they do...

"Y-yeah," She nodded. "They have about four more pictures before we wrap up and call it a day."


About twenty minutes later, the photographer told everyone that they were finished for the day.

Adrien was currently getting changed in one of the tents while I stood outside waiting for him. My milkshake was finished and I left my phone in Adrien's car so I just stood there idly.

So Luka was back....

Wait, did I tell my parents?

Did I even tell Alya?

I'd have to call them tonight...

"Ready to go, Princess?" Adrien's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "I was thinking that maybe we could visit Emma since it's still early. What do you think?"

I smiled instantly. Emma would definitely take my mind off some things. "Of course!"

"Let's get going," He said, heading to the car. We both slipped in and started on our journey to the orphanage. 

"My father called earlier," Adrien broke the silence in the car when we stopped at a red light. 

I hummed in response. "What did he say?"

"Something about us choosing some houses," He replied. "He said that he'll be sending us a few pictures of houses that he found that might be suitable for us and we should choose one."

I nodded slowly. "Did he say gated community?"

Adrien nodded, turning a corner. "Yup. You suggested that?"

I hummed in response again. 

The conversation kinda died there. Soon Adrien was parking in front of the orphanage. "How long has it been since we last visited here?" I asked Adrien. 

He pondered for a bit as we got out of the car. "The day before I left for Spain was the last time we came."

I nodded as we opened the door. 

"Oh hello," Mylene, once again I wasn't sure if that was her name, said when she saw us. "All the girls are in the back with Matilda."

"Thanks, Mylene," Adrien told her as he pulled me along with him. I rose a brow. He knew her? From where?

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