| Chapter 34 |

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Chapter Thirty-Four

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I felt.... well, I didn't know how I felt. 

I was angry, I was sad, I was.... everything! 

No matter how many times I hear that it wasn't my fault, I just felt like it was. If Adrien knew what I was thinking now, he would definitely kill me. 

If I hadn't gone out with Luka in College, I wouldn't have been in this mess right now. I would probably be happy with all of my memories in tact and still have my parents and my best friend. My dumb choice. A choice that will haunt me for the rest of my life...

I winced as I touched the hot muffin tray with my bare hands.

"That was a sign to tell you to stop thinking crap," Adrien states, his eyes glued to his laptop screen. "I bet your thoughts are filled with you blaming yourself, again."

"I-I wasn't thinking crap," I defended as I took the cookies out of the oven. Back to my stress baking. It was my first time baking in Adrien's kitchen so I wasn't quite comfortable moving around.

"Your stuttering begs to differ," He retorted, glancing up at me. "Do we have to talk about it again?"

"No," I pouted. 

"I've been thinking," Adrien said after a while.

"Sounds dangerous," I commented, pouring cake batter into the pan. One more cheesecake and a couple brownies and I'm done. 

I could practically feel him rolling his eyes. "Anyways, I think I am going to ask my father to push back the wedding."

"Why?" I leaned against the island, right across from him. He shut down the laptop before looking at me. "The wedding is in a few days."

"I know, but I don't think you're stable enough for it," He said. "A bomb got dropped on you last week and so much is still going on right now."

"I told you that I'm fine, Adrien," I frowned at him. "We don't have to push back anything because I am okay."

I wanted to slap myself. When I first heard about this getting married to Adrien thing, I was totally against it. Now I'm telling Adrien that I don't want to push back the wedding? Something wasn't adding up.

Adrien looked surprised at what I said, but I didn't give him anytime to comment. "I-I mean, all the preparations have already been made and there are so many people that are waiting for it, so we don't need to push it back."

He looked like he was about to protest, so I did what any functioning female would do.

I stood on the tip of my toes, leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

In my mind, it was supposed to be a tiny peck to get him to shut up, but he responded and I didn't feel like pulling away just yet.

I don't know exactly how long we were there just kissing, but I started to feel the need to breath. 

I pulled away from him, my cheeks tinting pink and my breathing harsh. 

"So I guess we aren't pushing it back then," Adrien spoke, looking a bit dazed. 

"Good," I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling. 

When I got back to baking, I could still feel Adrien's eyes on me.

Adrienette Arranged Marriage (Rewrite)✔Where stories live. Discover now