30: The End For Us

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Todoroki POV

"Todoroki!" I heard Bakugo yell as he pulled all the three guys down to the floor. "B-Bakugo?!" I asked. "There's no time! You save Midoriya you idiot!" He yelled being pushed against the wall. "We've got this Todoroki!" I heard Iida running in the room with the rest of my friends. "Trust us!" Yelled Kirishima.

"I've got these guys with my electricity!" Yelled Kaminari.

"Stay safe!" I yelled at them before jumping other of the window and used my ice quirk to travel across building to building looking for the direction which Dabi took.


The first thing just heard was a loud scream coming from North of me.

I immediately followed the sound of the scream and found Dabi and the robot making explosions, fires, and destruction to the city. I noticed that Midoriya was still held tightly in the robots hand and anger filled me up but....i knew I couldn't just act without thinking.

I looked at the sence Dabi was making and tried thinking of a way I could get Midoriya before destroying the robot since I didn't want to risk hurting him.

"Well well Shoto, I see you fell for my trap yet again" Dabi taunted me when he noticed me staring. "L-Let Midoriya go! He's got nothing to do with this!" I yelled. "He's about more than dead at this point, he's unconscious for now, but soon he'll lose his energy and die" Laughed Dabi.

"You monster...." I whispered under my breath.

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it? Your still weak and useless!" Dabi yelled.

"Your wrong....Your Wrong!!!" I yelled activating both my fire and ice quirk. "I'll show you what I can do!! "

I jumped of the building and when the robot was about to grab me I jumped on it and froze it's hand and knocked it off cold. I ran up it and tried getting to Dabi til I saw Dabi jump off. "See you in the after life" He said smiling.

He landed in the arms of two men who dragged him away. I wanted to chase him but I saw that I robot was running towards a cliff. I looked at Midoriya who was still sleeping "M-Midoriya! Please! Wake up!!" I yelled calling for him.

I went to the robots other hand and tried getting it to let go. I used my fire to try to mention his hand off but it was no use. "Midoriya! Wake up!! Your not leaving me!!" I yelled uncontrollably.

"No...." I whispered as the robot wouldn't stop. I used my ice quirk to freeze it's legs and it worked. "It's not gonna hold...." I whispered to myself.

My dad showed up and broke the head of the robot off and it fell to the floor. "D-Dad!" I yelled. "Sorry, I fell asleep, huh? I had to save your ass" He said.

I smiled slightly and looked at Midoriya who was laying on the ground. "Midoriya" I said as I began to carry him bridal style. My eyes filled with joy when he opened his big green eyes. "T-Todoroki....What's going on?" He whispered. "It's okay, your safe now" I told him.

"Todoroki behind you!" He yelled pushing me to the ground and punched a missile which was heading towards me. "M-Midoriya!" I yelled. "Are you....okay?" He asked.

Dabi looked angry and threw away his missile loncher into the sea and flew away with some of his men.

"Fuck you...." I said.

"Midoriya! You nee-"

Midoriya began to fall til I catches him in time. "I'll go get them!" My dad yelled. "Don't! It's useless" I said as I carried Midoriya to a hospital.

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