Chapter Two

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It was finally my lunch break and I was starving. I decided to see what I could buy from the cafeteria. After a while I settled on a chicken and mayo sandwich.

After I bought my food my eyes scanned the area for any empty tables. I found one near the back and decided to sit there. I plugged in my earphones and scrolled trough my instagram as I ate. Halfway through my food I felt a tap on my shoulder, startled I jumped a bit and turned around to see the girl from this morning.

I quickly swallowed the food that was in my mouth and pulled out my earphones. "Hey" I said giving her a smile, "hey I thought as much it was you" she smiled back. "Mind if I join you?" She asked to which I shook my head. I watched as she went around the table and sat across from me then dumped her bag on the table and pulled out a small snack sized bag of potato chips.

"I'm Camellia, by the way we didn't get introductions earlier" she said sticking out her hand, "it's nice to meet you I'm Alexandra but everyone calls me Alex" I said shaking her hand. "In that case you can call me Cami" she beamed at me.

"So did you find the lecture hall you were looking for?" She asked, "yeah I followed your directions and found it easily I didn't have to ask for directions. Thanks again by the way" I replied. "Don't mention it" she said waving me off, "so where you from?" She said starting to munch on her chips.

"Miami. How'd you know I'm not from here?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "You just look and sound different" she shrugged. "Really? How so?" I asked, "you're much more tan then the rest of us and your accent" she said shrugging me off again.

I just nodded and decided to move on from that. "So what's your major?" I asked trying to change the subject and make conversation. "Oh I'm in business management" she replied smoothly, "really?" I mistakenly voiced my thoughts. "Yeah I know right. I don't seem to fit the part but I have to take over my dad's restaurant" she said laughing.

"That's so coo-" "CAM!"

I was about to reply to her and ask what the name of the restaurant was so I could come by sometime, when some one's loud voice boomed through the cafeteria. Cami and I turned around to see a rather large muscular guy, wearing black jeans and a black hoodie. He had one strap of his bag slung on his right shoulder.

I couldn't help but notice how everyone stilled and looked to him in fear. His eyes scanned the area and he sent glares to any who made eye contact. I heard a sigh in front of me and turned just in time to see Cami roll her eyes. "I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye" she said as she slug her bag on her shoulders and grabbed her chips still munching on them.

She then walked towards the brood, as soon as his eyes caught sight of her he turned around and walked away, Cami followed close behind him. I shrugged going back to my phone, maybe he's her boyfriend or brother or something.

I had two more lectures for the day and I was more then ready to go home by that time. I quickly texted my mum the time to pick me up then headed for my last lecture. 

As soon as time was up I grabbed all my stuff, shoving  it into my bag as I speed walked out of the building and to the entrance. I saw my mum's car pulled up to the curb and quickly got in.

"Hey honey, how was your first day?" She asked as she pulled away. "Not to bad" I simply replied as I threw my bag in the back seat and put my seat belt on. "So did you make any friends?" She pressed on, "well I met this one girl but I can't really say we're friends. More like people who know each other" I shurg replying.

"Okay" was all my mum said dropping the topic. We made our way home in silence after that.

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