Chaper Twenty

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I couldn't help that everytime I looked at him all I could see was, him bashing that guys face in with blood all over his hands.

"Are you okay?" He had to speak into my ear because of how loud the music was, that action sent shivers down my spine. I just nodded my head at him instead of replying. I saw his lips form a thin line then without saying anything he turned pulling me with him.

We reached the back of the shack that was met with sand. "Where are we going?" I asked, thankfully the music was not so loud so I didn't have to scream at him. "To get some air come on" he said stepping on to the sand and pulling on my arm.

"Wait my shoes" I said and we both looked down at my heels, I looked up at him then around me seeing a few guys that were watching us. If I bent down to take it off my ass will be on full display to those pervs.

Defeated I looked back at Erick, some how he knew what the problem was. He bent down and unzipped my shoes before slipping it off for me. I put my hands on his shoulders to steady my self.

My heart did a jump at his actions. "Thanks" I said when he stood up again, he winked at me and with his left hand he held my hand while his right hand he held my shoes. "You don't have to, I can carry them on my own" I said reaching for them but he moved my hand away. "I want to" he said looking into my eyes, my face flushed at the eye contact.

"Let's sit over here" he said and we walked to a vacant cabana. He layed down and folded his hands on his stomach. "Come on" he said motioning with his head to the space next to him.

I carefully layed down next to him and looked up, through the thin white material we could still see the stars.

"You know I don't really know how we're supposed to name the starts or make figures out of them" he said chuckling and I laughed.

"Well sometimes reality is better then what you see in the movies" I said, "we can make something special out if it, instead of trying to copy them, we can make it personal" I continued looking up.

"How?" His voice was just above a whisper, "when I look at the starts I think. What if there's life where ever those stars are, or if someone's looking down at me. Sometimes I think how everything is made in a unique way, and no matter how many questions you try to answer with science there's always going to be one question you won't be able answer."

"What do you think when you look at the stars?" I asked turning to him. "This is going to sound weird, but I sometimes like to think that my parents are up there, and they're watching me so I talk to them. Tell them all my problems and whatever I'm feeling at that moment I just tell them" he said.

"That's not weird at all" I said looking at him, he turned his head and stared back at me. I saw him slowly inching his head closer to me, and automatically I moved mine too. "Do you wanna take a walk on the beach?" He asked sitting up, I felt a bit disappointed.

Yes I had told him that I was not ready to kiss him yet, but you can't blame a girl when someone who looks like Erick tries to kiss you, you would also want to throw it all on the table. I was scared, scared that if I did get closer to him either, he or I would be disappointed. And we won't know it until it's too late because we rushed into things.

"Yeah, why not" I said getting up, he pulled his shoes off and folded his pants. "I have to ask, what's with you and the whole no kissing thing?" He blurted out. I laughed at his boldness, "like I said I wanna get to know you better. And I haven't been kissed before so I want my first kiss to be with someone I like. I'm a dweeb I know" I said shyly.

"No you're not a dweeb, that makes total sense" he said, "What about you? What's your story? You're more closed off then anyone I've ever met" I said.

"My parents died a long time ago and Romeo had to take care of me. We stayed with our grandparents but Rom felt like he had to take care of us. So at a young age he started working, he worked so hard, everyday and he still does just so that we could survive. He got me whatever I wanted, he even turned down going to college because of me. He didn't want to leave me behind. A couple years ago our grandparents died and Rom was over 18 so he could access the money that our parents and grandparents left for us. He sold the house, bought a new one then he bought the club and the rest he uses to pay for my studies and whatever else we need."

"I'm lucky to have him as a big brother, I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to him. I owe everything to Rom."

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