Chapter Six

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I stared at her for a while then blinked and blinked again to make sure I had heard right.

"So?" I asked. "It's not the first time he's going to be in your house or around your family" I said in an obvious tone. "I know that but you are meeting him for the first time and I want you and him to like each other" she said hopefully.

"As long as he's nothing like his brother I think we'll be fine" I laughed then proceeded to put the necklace she handed me on. I decided that for her sake since she was my best friend, I was going to go with whatever she says to make her happy. I changed into a pair of flat black ballet shoes then let Cami do simple makeup on me and lastly put my hair into a stylish messy bun.

Just as we finished her mother called us down. "Camellia! Romeo is here" she called, we quickly rushed down and into the backyard.

By the grill I saw Erick  and a taller older looking version of him standing next to Cami's father and talking. My steps slowed a bit as we approached, I really did want him to like me I didn't want to create problems between him and Cami, and I really wanted to still be friends with her. Cami noticed my nervousness and grabbed my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze and pulling me with her.

As we approach Romeo's head turned and as soon as his eyes locked onto Cami he gave a big toothy grin. "Hey" she said smiling as we met them. "Boys please check on the steaks while I quickly get something from the house" her father said then rushed off to the house leaving us alone.

"Hey Cam Cam" Romeo greeted wrapping his arms around her and holding her close against his body. "I missed you" she whispered to him, I however had heard. When they pulled away she came to stand beside me like she was. "Alex this is my boyfriend  Romeo, Romi this is my best friend Alex" she introduced.

"Hi it's nice to finally meet you, Cami talks about you all the time" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He stepped forward and did the most unexpected thing. He wrapped me in tight bear hug. "It's good to finally meet you as well. She never shuts up about you but I can see why" he said when he finally let me go.

I giggled then we began to fall into conversation about what my major is and where I lived before I moved here. I asked him a few questions then we got some drinks.

Once the steaks where done we all sat down to eat. I had also met a few of Cami's aunts, uncles and cousins. Later on after everyone had left Romeo and Eric stayed back to help clean up.

Cami and Romeo where picking up any trash that was in the yard while I was helping her mum bring all the food and plates in. "Thank you so much for the help dear" her mother said to me as I laid down a tray of food on the kitchen table. "It's no problem" I shrugged her off as I turned to get some plates from outside.

I found a box and put all the glass stuff in then tried to carry it, but the box was too heavy and after about five attempts I finally gave up. "Um...may I?" I looked over my shoulder to see Erick  looking very nervous. "Um...yeah please" I said moving aside, he lifted the box with ease and carried it into the house.

I grabbed the rest of the stuff and followed him. "Thanks for the um... help" I said not making eye contact and as I set the things down on the table. "No problem" he said setting the box down. I busied myself with packing things away in the fridge, I had thought he would just walk away but he started to pass me stuff to put away.

"Hey um... I'm sorry if I came off as a dick these past couple of weeks." he said scratching the the back of his head as he spoke.

"It's okay I understand that I kind of disrupted the usual order of things and I'm new so it would take some time before we trust each other" I looking at him. He smiled at me an unspoken thank you for me not forcing him to explain himself.

"Let's start over. As friends, I mean that is if you want to I'm not forc-"

"Yeah sure I'd  like that" I said cutting him off.

That moment was the first time I've ever saw him smile or have a full conversation with me. Let's see how starting over goes for us. As friends.

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