Chapter Eleven

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I haven't had decent sleep since I had met that FBI guy at the park. It was now Monday morning and I was getting ready for college.

After I had a shower I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a black band t-shirt, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and then slipped on my white convers. I didn't really feel like dressing up, I grabbed my phone and bag then went downstairs.

I quickly had breakfast then got into the car and was on my way.

"Morning" Cami beamed at me as she approached, Erick tailing her. "Hey" I said, "you okay? You look tired and a little stressed" she eyed me worriedly now. "Yeah I guess I just don't feel too good" I said shaking her off.

"Maybe you should head home and rest. I could take you if you want?" Erick suggested placing a hand on my shoulder gently. "No I'm totally fine, I'll go home and rest after classes" I brushed them off, "Okay" he said holding his hands up in surrender.

We walked into campus in silence. "So we'll catch you later?" Cami asked, "yeah later" I said then walked away to my first class. This was not working in my favour, I was just being suspicious and it was not going to get me the answers that I needed. So I decided that I would act normal because that was the only way I was going to be able to get to the bottom of this.

The three of us met up again at lunch. Act normal, I told myself. "Hey guys" I greeted dropping my bag down on the table and pulling out my lunch, "hey you're in a better mood" Erick commented. "Ouch!" He said after Cami kicked him, "Yeah sorry about this morning, I didn't get any sleep" I said apologetically.

"So you guys up to anything? Maybe we should all hang out again sometime" I suggested casually as I ate my sandwich, "yeah that's a good idea, how about this Friday?" Cami asked looking to Erick.

"Can't Rom and I got family dinner" he said casually. Should I be suspicious? Was he telling the truth or was he just a really good liar? "So you going out of town?" I asked him, "huh?" He looked up taken aback by my question. "You said it's family so you going out of town?" I asked.

" its in town" he looked to Cami and they both shared a look, unspoken understanding between them. "Cool" I said, I needed to space my questions out or else if the FBI guy was right, I was going to get caught.

"So let's hang out after" I suggested, "no its gonna be late and Um... maybe another time" he brushed me off. "I better get going, see you guys later" Cami said looking at her watch then getting up and grabbing her things.

It was silent between Erick and I for a few minutes before I decided to see how much more I could get out of him. "So do you have any hobbies?" I asked casually, "What?" He questioned amused. "I mean like stuff you do in your spare time" I elaborated, "What's with you and all the questions today?"

"I just wanna get to know you better since we're friends and all you know" I shrugged. "I like to go the the gym sometimes, it helps me clear my head" he answered. "I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta get to class, see ya later" he said getting his bag and walking away.

The next day Erick left after lunch as soon as he got a phone call from Romeo, on Wednesday there was nothing out of the ordinary. Thursday he was a no show and so was Friday.

"Where's Erick today?" I asked Cami on Friday when I didn't see him behind her. "Oh he doesn't have any lectures today so he's not coming" she said a bit nervously,  I eyed her suspiciously then turned my attention to a group of people who I knew where in the same classes as him but I said nothing.

On Saturday I went to the park like I was supposed to and sat on the same bench. "So did you get what you were looking for Alexandra?" Colten asked sitting next to me, I was quiet. "Your silence either means yes or no" he continued, "look weather you were right or not, it doesn't matter. Because I still don't know what you want from me."

"We want your help" he said, "my help for what exactly?" I asked. "We have been trying to infiltrate the Dream brothers and their dealings for a long time now, with no luck. Then you walked in" he said. "I don't know if I can do that" I said honestly, could I really help this guy arrest my friends?

"I know that they are your friends but these boys are dangerous. They hurt people, they fight for money and we have reason to believe that the younger brother has killed someone."

My heart almost stopped when he said this. "What do you want me to do?"

"We want you to continue to be friends with them and get us some solid information" he said, "and what will you do with that information once I get it?" I asked.

"My job."

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