Chapter Fifteen

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All of a sudden I felt something under me, it wrapped around my legs and pushed me up. I screamed as Erick broke the surface holding me up.

"You jerk" I said hitting him, "Ouch! Stop! Why are you hitting me?" He asked putting me down and catching my hands in his. "Because you gave me a heart attack, I thought a shark or something might of eaten you" I said, "aww  you were worried about me?" He smirked mockingly. "No, I was just afraid the blood would attract them to me" I said pulling my hands out of his hold.

"Bullshit, admit it you were worried about me" he wiggled his eyebrows at me, "Okay fine maybe a small part of me, very deep, deep down was worried" I admitted rolling my eyes at him. That was actually a lie I was worried but not a little, a lot worried something bad had happened, he was my friend after all I had to worry.

"Really?" His eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me flush against his chest, no space between us. "Yes but only a tiny bit, like very small, the size of a pin head small" I said trying to get out of his hold but he tightly held me in place.

He looked into my eyes and I saw a million emotions going through at once, his right hand came up to hold my chin while the left stayed in place firmly around my waist.

"You are really beautiful. Have I ever told you that?" He asked, I shook my head slowly. He pulled my face closer to his, his eyes closed. Automatically my eyes snapped shut too, our lips brushed against each other.

A little bit more and we would kiss. At that thought rationality came over me. "I'm sorry I can't" I said opening my eyes and placing a hand on his chest gently pushing him away. His arms fell to his side and he opened his eyes, he took two steps backwards stumbling a bit, he looked hurt as if I had just smacked him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of tried to..." he said turning away from me and starting to walk back to shore. "Wait!" I said grabbing his hand, he turned to me but looked down at our submerged legs. "It's not that I don't want to. Believe me I do and I do like you Erick. It's just that I think we need to get to know each other better before we can get into that" I explained.

Honestly I was terrified. I had never been kissed before even though I was in college, and yes I'm a virgin. I just was not interested in relationships as much as the girls around me were, until now. I was so inexperienced that I was scared I would do something wrong and he'd go running for the hills.

He laughed looking at me and placing a plam on my cheek, "when the time is right" he said giving me a reassuring smile. "Last one to that booie is a rotten egg" he yelled letting go of me and diving towards the booie. "That's not fair" I yelled back and started swimming after him, in the end he had won but only because he cheated.

We spent a couple more hours in the water, playing around and talking before heading back and drying off. "Hey where have the two of you been?" Erick asked Romeo and Cami as they walked hand-in-hand towards us. "Site seeing" Cami said simply lying down on my left,Erick was on my right.

"I loved seeing those sites" Romeo winked at Cami who blushed in return, "ew gross" Erick yelled. "Cover your ears kiddies" Romeo said smacking Erick on the back of the head. Erick got up and chased Romeo who had broken out into a sprint after hitting Erick.

They chased each other before Erick tackled Rom to the ground and they wrestled laughing. "I could get used to this" Cami said smiling fondly at them. So could I, I thought to myself.

After we dried off, I pulled on the shorts and t-shirt that I had in my bag, Cami did the same and the guys pulled on t-shirts and shoes. We then went to the same restaurant that was on the beach that we went to that morning.

After dinner we went to our room and after a shower passed out under the covers.

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