Chapter Nineteen

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We had brunch in the hotel room and talked, laughing and made fun of each other. Then we took a walk on the beach, bought ice-cream and snacks.

Erick held my hand from the time we left the hotel. In the evening we got dressed to go to the club. I decided to wear a white bodycon dress that stopped below my knees and the sleeves came to my elbows, the dress hugged my wide hips and round bottom showing off all my curves.

I put on some black strapy heels and straightened my hair before applying some makeup. "Look at your ass!" Cami said smacking my ass as she walked passed me to the mirror.

She wore a fitting black foe leather dress and black heels with lace on them, the outfit made her legs look longer. She curled the ends of her hair and did some light makeup with a red lipstick.

"Thanks and don't you look sexy" I said while applying some nude lipstick. "Thank you, thank you" she said, "hey I wanted to ask you something" she said nervously. "Sure anything" I told her while putting the tube of lipstick away and turning to face her.

"Well you know tonight is our last night and all..." she started, "yeah?" I urged her to continue. "I was wondering if you would mind if Romeo and I shared a room tonight?" She asked nervously looking at me. "Yeah sure why are you even asking?" I laughed at her silliness, "because of Erick" she explained.

"I'm sure he and I will figure something out" I said rolling my eyes at her, "or maybe the two of you could also share?" She said suggestively.

"Cam you know it's not like that" I said brushing her off, "not yet it's not" she said deviously. "Come on you creep let's go" I pulled her arm and walked out of the bedroom into the living.

The guys were sitting and waiting, Romeo had on a pair of black skinny jeans and a red floral Hawaiien style shirt. I was shocked to see him in something other then a suit or formal wear. Erick also wore black skinny jeans but he wore a plain navy blue shirt. Both were short sleeves showing off thier biceps.

I had to close my mouth to stop from drolling at Erick. "We're ready" Cami said, they looked up and looked between the two of us. "Let's go" she said then walked to the door, "baby wait for me" Romeo shouted jumping up and running behind her.

I laughed at them then looked back at Erick who's eyes never left me. "Um... we should go" I said pointing to the door, "yeah" he said getting up walking behind me.

As we walked out the hotel he snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. According to Romeo the club was not far so we walked. When we got there the club was actually like a shack. There was a bar and DJ with a dance floor, but most people danced on the beach or were sitting on the sand near the club.

As soon as we entered Cami and Rom disappeared, leaving Erick and I alone. "You want a drink?" Erick asked, "no I'm fine thanks" I declined. "You mind if I have one?" He asked I shook my head, and he held my head leading us to the bar.

"Jack and coke" he said to the bartender, we sat on the stools and waited for his drink. "Hello pretty lady can I buy you drink?" The guy next to me asked, I opened my mouth to reply but Erick spoke for me. "She already has one" Erick said, "oh sorry man" the guy said after taking in Erick's muscles and death glare.

"Looks like I'm going to be beating a lot of people up tonight" he said after the guy left, he hooked both hands on my chair under my legs and pulled it forward so I was closer to him. He had one of his legs on his chair and the other on mine so that I was basically in between his legs.

I yelped as he pulled the chair and placed both my hands on his shoulders. "Why would you beat people up?" I asked moving my hands from him when I was stable, "have you seen yourself in this dress?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"I take that as a compliment" I said, "Let's dance" he gulped down his drink and took my arm and lead me to the dance floor. We danced just like we had that night at the club, I giggled as he spun me around and back into him. He ran his hands up and down my hips as I swayed to the music.

This time dancing with him I could feel there was some tension.

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