Chapter Thirty-one

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"Alex honey could you get the door?" Mum shouted from the dining room, "sure" I said but it was more to myself. I pulled the door opened and a dishevelled Erick stood on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed asking him and looking to see if anyone from inside was behind me, "Alex I know things got out of hand, but I want to explain everything" he rushed out. He looked like he hadn't slept in a long time, his hair was a mess, his eyes were red and had bags, his clothes were crumpled.

"Now is not a good time" I hissed, "Alexandra who's at the door? Your mother sent me to check on you" Colten came from behind me, I rolled my eyes but kept my focus on Erick. Upon seeing Colten, Erick froze and just stared.

"Who's this?" Colten asked casually and strolled forward, "he's-" "her boyfriend" Erick cut me off. "It's nice to meet you young man I'm Colten" he said stretching out his hand, Erick took it hastily and gave Colten's hand a not so gentle squeeze. The tension was high.

"Why don't you join us for dinner?" Colten said when Erick let go of his hand, "gladly" he replied stepped past me and into the house. Colten slung an arm around Erick's shoulder even though Erick was taller then him and guided him to the dining room, I followed slowly behind them.

"Look who I found" Colten said when they entered the dining room, "oh Erick dear, come join us. Alex get the stuff from the kitchen please" mum said. "Hello again sir and ma'am" Erick greeted them, "oh please call me Emily" mum said and motioned for them to sit down. "I'll actually go help Alex" Erick said and came into the kitchen.

"How do you know that guy?" He asked in a low voice, "he's an old friend of theirs" I said not looking at him and getting the stuff on the counter. "I don't like him and you need to stay away from him" he said picking up two bowls, "who do you think you are? You can't tell me what to do. What? Did you think that just because you don't have space for me in your life I'm going to have space for you in mine?" I picked up what ever I could and stormed out of the kitchen.

"Is that all the stuff from the kitchen?" Mum asked, "no just two more dishes" I said turning to go fetch them. From the corner of my eye I saw Erick also turn to follow me, "I can get it myself" I said putting my plam flat against his chest.

When I came back to the dining room I place the things down and to my seat at the only available place that was between Erick and Colten. We all started to eat, Erick and I were quiet as conversation flowed between my parents and Colten. All of a sudden I felt something on my thigh, I looked around at everyone and saw that they were either busy with their food or talking.

I peeped under the table and saw it was Erick's hand on my leg, I pushed it off with a little too much force, he never tried it again. After we ate Erick helped me clear up, while the adults went into the living room to talk, when I was done I stood in the door way of the living room.

"Well as nice as this had been catching up with you all, I must leave before it gets too late" Colten said standing up, he shook hands with dad and hugged mum giving her a kiss on the cheek. "It was nice to meet you son" he said shaking Erick's hand, "Likewise" Erick replied keeping a straight face.

"Alexandra dear it was so good to see you again" he pulled me in and gave me a hug, "I'm taking him down soon" he whispered into my ear before pulling away. Colten then turned and left closing the door behind him. "We're going up to bed are you kids going to be okay?" Mum asked, "yeah we're just going to talk" I nodded at her.

I watched as mum and dad went up the stairs and disappeared into their room. I went into the living room and sat down, positioning my body to face him. He came and sat next to me also facing me.

"Talk" I ordered to which he gave me a look, "I'm giving you the opportunity to talk so take it before I change my mind" I warned. "I didn't tell you about everything because it's hard for me to trust people. Because of what Romeo was into there always cops and feds around trying to put him in jail. I have to protect him so I just stay away" he said.

"I fight because like Rom I have anger issues, so I fight to get all the energy out. I mean the money is good too, but fighting is my passion, when I walk into the ring no matter how big or scary my opponent looks, I just look at Rom and he has this look in his eyes. That shows me he's proud in me and when he smiles when I win, there's nothing that can beat that. I fight because I like to and Rom supports me. That's why everything I do is for him."

"Erick, I really care about you, not only you but Romeo and Cami too. You guys are like family to me, and I won't let anything hurt you guys."

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