Chapter Twenty Five

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I walked out of the house and saw Erick standing by a car at the curb with his back to me.

"Sorry about my parents in there" I said nervously once I was standing next to him, "it's fine, I actually expected worse" he turned giving me a thousand wat smile. "How much worse?" I asked, "maybe pull out a gun or call the cops. That's what Cami's folks did when they saw Romeo" he said opening up the passenger book for me.

"Why?" I asked, I had to wait for him to close my door then run around the car and get into the drivers seat before I got my answer. "Well we aren't exactly the type of people you take home to your parents" he said as he started the car.

"I don't understand" I said, I couldn't think of anything wrong with them, they were nice and friendly and gentlemen and they handsome, they also had family values. Why wouldn't someone want to take them home?

"And I hope you never understand" His reply shocked me, I set my lips in a thin line and didn't say or ask anything else. "Sorry about the car, Rom said I have to use my own for the evening" he said breaking the silence.

"Sorry for what?" I looked around, Erick drove a matt black, fully blacked out BMW M4, everything was black on the outside, the rims, the windows were even tinted back. The seats and seat belts were the only thing that was an Ox blood red. "Sorry because I know you're used to the other car" he shrugged keeping his eyes on the road.

I laughed, "why are you laughing?" He asked turning to me, "that is the stupidest thing to apologise for" I said. Erick laughed along with me then fell into silence again.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked, "I don't know" he confessed. "Seriously?" I laughed at him again, "I didn't have much time to plan and be all romantic and cute, so I thought I'd just wing it" he shrugged.

"Okay Mr Wing It. What's first?" I turned in my seat so my body was facing him, "I'm actually hungry so we are going to eat first" he said. He drove us to Wendy's and ordered enough food for a whole army, I didn't get anything and decided I would just eat whatever he ordered.

"What's your plans after you graduate?" He asked as he picked a fry up from the plate between us. "Look for a job, make enough money so I can start my own business one day" I shrugged then took a sip of his soda since I drank all of my chocolate milkshake, his lips quirked upward a little as he watched me.

During our meal we had become more then comfortable with sharing our food and drinks with eat other. "What about you?" I asked, "I don't know either, open a few businesses of my work and work as a private lawyer" he said shrugging.

"So where to now?" I asked looking at him expectantly, "Let's see where the road take us" he winked. After a small quarrel about who gets to pay the bill and Erick promising to let me pay the next time, we left and got back into the car.

It was getting dark but the night was still young. We saw a carnival and stopped, we went on some rides and played games I had won a teddy bear and gave it to Erick then we shared a cotton candy. "Thanks for the bear" he said and I could see his ears turning a bit red, "I know it was you who was supposed to win it for me but I'm not cliché like that" I bumped his shoulder and laughed.

"What do we do next?" I asked, he thought for a minute before replying. "How about you decide where we go next?" He said, "What?" I asked. "Yeah you're on this date too so you decide where we go next" he said. I thought for a minute.

Where would I want someone to take me? It was a hard question but after a while of thinking I finally had the perfect idea. "Come on let's go" I said pulling him with me, we got into the car and I directed him where to go. "Are you sure we're going the right way?" He asked skeptical as we got on to a deserted road that lead out of town.

"Yes now stop here and turn your lights off" I said. I put the radio on as he parked the car where I had instructed him. "You didn't bring me here to kill me did you?" He asked looking back at me, I rolled my eyes at him and rolled my window down before getting out of the car.

He followed me and we walked to the front of the car. "I don't think it's safe be-" he started but I covered his mouth with my hand and turned his head in front of us, "would you be quiet and just look around you" I said and moved my hand from his mouth as I saw his eyes go wide.

"Wow!" He gasped, I smiled proud of myself for picking this spot. In front of us was the town, all the lights on full display as if the stars had come down to earth.

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