Chapter Thirty Four

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"Hey, how are you feeling? It's a big day today" Colten said coming up to me as I entered the court room. "Yeah about that, I don't feel so good and I don't think I'll be able to testify today" I replied.

"That's okay" he shrugged, "it is?" I was shocked I thought that the case needed a witness. "Yeah, turns out there was one person who saw the whole thing and testified" he said, "well I guess that's good news for us then" I said a little deflated.

I walked out into the hallway and saw Erick in a heated conversation with his lawyer, Cami standing behind him. I can't help but admire how handsome he looked in the suit, but I regretted that I was the reason for him to be here today.

As I approached I heard his lawyer tell him something that sounded a lot like, "look I understand what you're saying. But understand me now, you either confess to everything or you do for time for your crimes and they bag Romeo up too because he's right here and goes to jail with you" the man then walked away leaving a steaming Erick behind.

"Hey, you guys okay?" I asked as I approached, Erick's eyes snapped to me and filled with anger and hate. "Get this filthy rat away from me" he spat then stormed away, "sorry, I'll see you inside" Cami gave me a sad smile the rushed after Erick.

His anger was justified, I was the reason this was happening to them. I turned on my heel and walked out of the court house, I couldn't bear to see him get put away and his family get broken apart and me being the sole reason for all of it.

I turned my back and never turned to looked back as I walked out of there. Maybe one day they will forgive me, he'll forgive me. But I don't think that day is coming soon, so for now I was going to continue to live with the regret and guilt for the pain I had caused all of them.

They were just trying to protect their family. And I misunderstood them. The Villain of the story turned out to be an innocent man trying to to protect the people he loved and cared for. While the hero's turned out to be the true villains without even noticing it.

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