Chapter Seven

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"Hey" Cami said coming into the dining room. I was now wiping down the table and it was quite late, I tried to help Cami's mom as much as I could.

"Hey you all done?" I asked as I finished off, "yeah the guys and I where thinking of going out to get some ice cream" she said pushing the chairs into place. "Now?" I asked looking down at my watch that read it was almost 10pm. "Yeah we always do this kind of thing but it would be better now with you around. Come on let's go, please" she tugged at my arm like a child.

"Okay" I shrugged, we weren't in high school anymore and I guess the night was still young for us, a little ice-cream won't hurt.

We went upstairs and grabbed our phones and bags then met the guys outside. Erick was driving Romeo's silver Mercedes the same car that dropped Cami and him off at college in the mornings. Cami told me to get into the front seat so she and Romeo could sit in the back.

I didn't protest because she asked nicely and Erick, and I were on good terms so this would help me get to know him better. I got in and put my seat belt on as he pulled out of the driveway and down the road.

"So which ice cream place are we heading to?" I asked taking out my phone and quickly checking my texts and instagram. "Ice-cream comes after the fun" Romeo said laughing, "fun?" I asked confused putting my phone down and looking from a focused Erick to a smirking Romeo and a sheepish Cami.

"We usually go to a club and then get ice-cream or something" Erick   explained. "Not just any club, my club" Romeo corrected, now that I think about it I do remember Cami mentioning that Romeo owns a hotel and a very popular night club.

I nodded not saying or asking anything else as I looked out the window.

It took us a few minutes drive from the house to the club. We got a parking at the back entrance, we got out and walked to the door. "Good evening Mr Dream" the bouncer greeted Romeo as we walked up to the door, Romeo nodded at him and wrapped his arm tighter around Cami as they disappeared into the building.

"After you" Erick said placing a hand on the small of my back and giving me a gentle push forward.

We walked through the back of the club but the blasting music and constant chatter could be clearly heard. Erick wrapped his hand around mine and lead me up a set of stairs. Once we reached the top I saw that it was a VIP lounge. There were a few couchs along the walls and round tables towards the railing over looking the club. There were a few people around with drinks and some with girls sitting next to them, they were smoking or playing cards but they all had one thing in common. As soon  as they saw Romeo and Erick they stopped what they were doing and greeted them.

We got to the middle booth that had the perfect view of the entire club. "Make yourself comfortable" Romeo said as he and Cami plopped down. I sat next to Cami and Erick was on my right. I looked down at the sea of dancing bodies, the dance floor was dark but there were strobe lights flickering around.

"What are we having to drink?" Romeo asked as a waitress came up to take our orders, he looked to me first. "Water will be fine" I say with a small smile, I was surprised no one asked me any questions about why I had ordered water. I usually get asked that question a lot around people my age, "I'll have the same" Erick said.

I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "I'm driving and I don't drink" he said shrugging. I tuned out Cami and Romeo as they gave thier orders to the waitress. "So is Dream really your surname?" I couldn't help but ask ever since I had heard the bouncer address Romeo.

"Yeah why?" He replied letting out a small laugh, "it just sounds so fake like Romeo Dream and Erick Dream. That could never be real" I said giving him a smile of my own. "Well I guess along the way someone in our family fucked up. I like to think they lost a bet or something and had to change the surname" he chuckled.

"Okay so since we're on the topic of names..." I stopped thinking how I could word my question with out sounding rude. "My mother was in love with the Romeo and Juliet play, she was so in love she told my father that her first child would be named after them. If it was a girl then Juliet and a boy then Romeo. I however was named after my great grandfather" he explained.

Just then the waitress came back and put two bottles of water on the table along with Cami and Romeo's drinks. "What about you?" He asked after taking a swing of water, "my story isn't as interning as that. I guess my parents just liked the name Alexandra and here I am" I shrugged taking a sip of my water.

I looked down at the dance floor once again and couldn't help but wonder where this night would take us.

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