Chapter Twenty Four

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The next day I woke up and threw on whatever I could find, which was a pair of black sweat pants and a black t-shirt. I pulled on my convers and pulled my hair into a messy bun, making a mental note to wash it when I got back home.

Erick was a no show again, but I was too busy day dreaming to worry about anything else. That night after our phone call I had not slept a wink, I was exhausted but I was still very excited.

Cami and I spent the whole day talking about what outfit I should wear or how to do my hair. As soon as lectures where done I got into Cami's car and we drove to my house. We decided to make a girls afternoon as well. We put on nail polish and face masks while watching a cheesy romcom.

I decided to paint my nails a dark blue while Cami did hers different colours, like green, pink, blue, red and black. I had to lean my head into the tub and Cami washed my hair for me, if that's not best friend goals I don't know what is.

She picked out an outfit while I dried and straightened my hair. In the end I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, an army green t-shirt with a small pocket on the front and my white convers. I braided two sections on each side of my hair then clipped it at the back, I applied some light makeup but it was enough to cover up any blemishes.

We sat and watched a movie while talking and waiting for Erick to pick me up. It was almost 7 when my phone rang and his name flashed on my screen. "Hello" I greeted, "hey I'm outside, can you open the door?" He said. "I'll be down in a minute" I said cutting the call and getting off my bed, I grabbed a small black sling bag and pushed my phone in while Cami followed behind me.

"Can I help you?" My heart stopped at the sound of my father's voice, "hello sir, my name is Erick" I watched from behind my father as Erick held out his hand and stood confidently.

My father stared at him and then reluctantly took his hand to shake. "Um it's okay dad I'll take it from here" I said stepping between them, "no darling I would actually like to meet this person. Come in" Dad said moving to the side to make space for Erick to enter.

"Honey who's at the door?" Mum asked coming in from the kitchen, this was so awkward. "Hello, my name is Erick I go to the same college as Alex" Erick said shaking mums hand. "It's nice to meet you Erick, let's sit down in the living room" mum said, "Actually Erick and I were just leaving" I cut in.

"Oh really? Where are you going? You never mentioned it" Dad said narrowing his eyes at me, I gulped and shrank back from his stare. "Actually sir that is why I'm here. I had been busy all week and didn't get a chance until now, would you mind if Alex and I hung out this evening?" Erick said coming to my rescue.

I looked up and saw Cami grining from ear to ear and her phone in her hand recording everything, no doubt to show Romeo later. "What is your major son?" Dad asked any way, "I'm majoring in law sir" Erick replied smoothly.

"Oh that's very good" mum commented, "and what exactly are your plans with my daughter for tonight?" Dad ignored mum's comment. "Just dinner and a movie maybe" he replied, I stood nervously looking between them and biting my lip.

The look on dad's face told me that he was not very impressed and that he was about to say no, I worriedly looked from dad to Cami and back to dad. "I can't vouche for him actually, his brother is my boyfriend" Cami said coming down the stairs.

"Really? What do your parents say?" Dad asked looking at Cami, "my parents are fine with it, the boys are very nice and sweet and more gentleman like than anyone I've ever met" Cami said sharing a look with me.

"Well since Cami approves, be home by 11 Alex" Dad said the last part very sternly, "have fun" mum added before pulling dad into the kitchen. "Oh God I think I almost died" Erick said sighing in relief, while Cami laughed her ass off. "It's not funny" I said playfully shoving her, "you should of seen your faces" she said between laughs.

"I'm so going to blackmail you with this" she said waving her phone in our faces, Erick rumbled something and walked out the door. I looked at his retreating back and nervous settled in my stomach all over again. "Go on, I'll be here when you get back to hear all about it" she said gently pushing me forward.

I took a deep breath then took a small step forward before I jumped off the cliff.

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