Chapter Twenty Two

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"Aw look at them they're so cute!"

"Quick let's take a picture"

"Keep it down you're gonna wake them up"

"They are gonna have to wake up anyway"

"Ouch! What did I tell you about hitting?"

I opened my eyes to see Cami and Romeo staring at me, Romeo was rubbing the back of his head, guess we know who go hit. "Are we home yet?" I asked snuggling further into the seat and closing my eyes again.

"Not yet, we stopped to get some food, now wake up I'm starving" Cami said. This seat smells good, my eyes snapped opened as I realised it was not a seat. I sat up and saw Erick sleeping peacefully, I had used him as a pillow the entire time. I hope I didn't snore.

"Erick" I said shaking him, "Erick wake up" I said, his eyes opened and when they landed on me he smiled. "Are we home?" He asked, "no stopped to get some food" I said.

We both got out of the car and stretched, Cami and Romeo had left us once again and went to grab a table in the restaurant. I went to the bathroom and freshened up before joining them again.

After we ate the sleepiness had disappeared, "Let me drive the rest of the way" Erick said to Romeo as we walked out of the restaurant. "You sure? Because I can handle it" Romeo looked tired, "yeah I'm well rested you however look like you need a nap" he said taking the keys and getting into the drivers seat.

I got in next to Erick to give Cami a break as well. The sun was setting and we had a couple more miles to go before we reached home. Erick and I never spoke we drove the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

It was around 7 or 8pm when we reached my house. "Thanks for the weekend guys, I had a great time" I said getting out of the car. "Here is your bag" Erick said handing it to me, "thank you" I said taking it.

"Bye see you tomorrow" Cami said giving me a hug, "see ya later Lex" Romeo said giving me a hug and he kissed the side of my head. "Bye" I waved as I walked to the front door, "so I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" Erick asked coming up behind me. "Yeah I guess so" I said playing with the key, "can I give you a hug?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah" I laughed and he stretched his arms out, I put my bag down in front of the door and walked into his arms, he wrapped them tightly around me and tucked my head under his chin. "I think we can let go now" I laughed after a few minutes too long, "Okay fine" he grumbled. He let me go after  kissing my forehead though.

"See you tomorrow" I said picking my bag up, "bye" his voice was just above a whisper.

When I got into the house I went straight to my room, not unpacking anything I dumped my bags in a conner and got under the covers of my bed.

My alarm had woken me up for the day. I showered and got dressed then went to campus, luckily for me I had only a few lectures for the day.

"Hey sleep well" Cami asked when she saw me, "Just fine thanks" I said giving her a hug. "Hey" Erick greeted giving me a side hug, "hi" I greeted back. We went to our lectures after that, by some miracle two of my classes were cancelled so I only had two classes to go to.

When I was done I sat in the library turning to get a head start on homework and assignments, when my phone rang. An unknown number flashed on the screen, "hello" I said picking up the call.

"Welcome back Alexandra, how was your weekend?" Colten's voice came from the other end, "you, how'd you get my number?" I asked looking around me. "Must we continue to ask these meaningless questions, I already told you I'm FBI I know everything" he said.

"Just not nearly enough that you have to use me to get what you want" I shot back, the line was silent. "What do you want?" I sighed, "I simply want to know how your trip went. A little birdie told me that you and Erick Dream were getting close on the beach" I was quiet.

"I take that as confirmation. Now get your things and go outside to a black SUV that's parked in the front waiting for you, we can continue our chat there" the line then went dead. "Fuck!" I swore under my breath, if he knew that means he had someone watching me, and that also means that I can't lie to him.

One thing was for sure though, I was going to protect the Dreams as much as I could, until I prove them guilty myself.

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