Chapter Eight

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We spent the rest of the night talking and bonding over light hearted topics. Erick then proceeded to give me a tour of the top floor, which included Romeo's office. After that we stood by the balcony looking down at the dance floor and him pointing out certain things and where they were located in the club.

Cami and Romeo had left about an hour ago in the direction of his office. "You wanna dance?" Erick asked holding his hand out to me, I raised an eyebrow at him. "Come on I've seen you staring down there the whole night, let's go" he grabbed my hand and we went down the stairs and to the front of the club.

It didn't go unnoticed by me how everyone parted as we walked through. He lead me to the dance floor and placed his hands on my sides, I hastily put my hands on his shoulders. I looked down at our feet and bit my lip then looked up and around me, all the girls where dressed in shinny dresses with high heels and glamorous hair and makeup.

"I'm not exactly dressed for here am I" I sheepishly said. "Hey don't ever say that or put yourself down like that again. You can go wherever you wanna go and dress however you want to, and no one can say shit about it" I look up and see his serious expression. I look into his eyes as I sway my hips to the beat and he follows my moves.

We danced to every song that came on, he spun me around at one point even. Some how as we danced we moved closer and closer to each other until there was a paper thin space between our chests.

After hours of dancing we went back to the VIP lounge and collapsed on the couch. "Had fun?" Cami asked smirking, "that was awesome" I said sipping my water. "I've only danced like that once for my cousin's wedding" I said wiping my hand over my forehead and suddenly becoming contious of how sweaty I was.

Ew! Was Erick really holding me while I was this sweaty? I must smell like a garbage truck. "Yeah I knew you could dance but I didn't know you could dance that good" Erick laughed.

"So you guys ready to get out of here?" Romeo asked. "Yeah we should head out we've been here a while" Erick agreed looking down at his watch checking the time.

We grabbed our stuff and headed out to the car. Once we got in I checked my phone, it was around 1 am now. We had been in the club for hours. "Cami your parents are going to kill us" I panicked. "Relax as long as we're with these two we could go to the moon for all they care" she replied in the most relaxed tone ever.

"If you say so. So where to next?" I asked putting my phone back in my bag, I wanted to fix my hair but I didn't want them to smell any of the sweat on me. Especially Erick.

"Well I drank and danced a lot so now I'm hungry and in need of some greasy food" Cami said. Without any more questions we pulled up to a 24 hour pizza hunt. Erick parked and we all got out. "You guys go ahead and order I gotta use the restroom really quick" I said as we walked in, "I'll come with" Cami said and we walked in the direction of the restroom. 

"Hey if you ever feel like you wanna call it a night you just say the word and they can take us home" Cami spoke from the stall she was in. "I'm totally fine and I'm having the best night ever with you guys but I will keep that in mind" I replied as I washed my hands then fixed my hair.

Once I had removed all my makeup with the wipes I had and sprayed a little perfume for the sweat, we headed back out. The guys had gotten a table outside so we could see the water fountain, the cars and people going by. After we ate Erick got us all some ice-cream and we continued to chat away.

"Hey asshole!" Someone yelled. I turned to see a group of guys around our age walking towards our table. Erick instantly stood and so did a now sober Romeo. "Let it go Erick" Romeo said putting a hand on Erick's shoulder to hold him in place. "The fuck do you want?" Erick ignored Romeo and shouted back at one of the guys who seemed to be the leader.

"Nothing much, just strolling around and then saw you ass wipes here. We just had to check what you were doing" one of the guys spoke, they were now less then ten feet in front of us.

"Oh and what do we have here? The town's biggest slut herself. Aww and look at that Rick went out and got himself one too"

"Shut the fuck up before I make you. And you know better than to talk to me like that, now get the fuck out of here" Romeo growled, Cami stood up now and held his hand tightly. It was only natural that I stood up too.

"Oh forgive me your highness. We shall gladly disperse and leave you with your bitchs of the night" the guy did a mock bow.

Just as they turned to leave a hand grabbed the front of the guys shirt and a fist connected with his nose.

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