Chapter Twenty One

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I admired how Romeo and Erick looked out for each other and how Erick spoke so proudly about him.

We walked along the beach for a few more minutes then went back to the club and danced the night away, when we got tired we went back to the cabana and watched the stars.

"Alex wake up" Someone said shaking me, "I'm so tired" I mumbled smacking the person away, "Come on you have to get up now" they said shaking me again.

There was a breeze that brushed the hair away from my face and I could hear waves crashing onto the beach. I opened my eyes and saw Erick standing over me, I looked around and the colour drained from my face.

"Oh shit! Did we fall asleep here" I asked swinging my legs over the side of the cabana and standing. "Unfortunately yes we did" he said, "Come on let's go" he said holding my hand and we walked to the pavement. I had to slip my heels back on in case I stepped on something and hurt my foot, when we reached the pavement.

"Well look who's doing the walk of shame" Romeo teased as we walked through the door, "You're both grounded" he said shaking his head and crossing his arms in front of him. "Move aside Godzilla I gotta take a shower" I said rolling my eyes and pushing past him.

I went into the bathroom and took a hot shower, scrubbing my skin and washing my hair. When I was done I wrapped a towel around myself and  went into the bedroom to change my clothes.

"So how was it? Though I didn't think that the two of you would do it on a beach in public, but I'm not judging" Cami asked jumping up and down on the bed when I walked into the room. I rolled my eyes at her and closed the door, "nothing happened Cam" I said pulling out something to wear.

"Oh don't kiss and tell I see" she wiggled her eyebrows at me and smirked. "I'm not telling because there's nothing to tell" I said pulling on my grey sweat pants. "So what did the two of you do then?" She asked, "we went to the club, he had a drink I  didn't, we danced then talked then dance some more. Then we talked some more and somewhere along the line we fell asleep and here I am" I said pulling on a plain black t-shirt.

"Boring! You guys didn't even kiss" she shouted, "no and we're not going to anytime soon" I said combing my hair and putting it into a messy bun. I wanted to be as comfortable as possible and I was most probably going to sleep the whole way home.

"Why?" Cami asked pouting, "I just don't want to rush anything and I want to get to know him better" I said. "Aha! I knew it! You do like him" she squealed clapping her hands, "Yes I do a little bit" I confessed.

"Hold please" she said opening the bedroom door and sticking her head out, "BABE YOU OWE ME 100 BUCKS!" She screamed. "Ow man!" Came Romeo's reply. "You two bet on this?" I pointed at her, she shrugged giving me an apologetic smile.

"I don't believe you" I had throwing my hands in the air, "we've been trying to set the two of you up for a while now, Why'd you think I made you look pretty that weekend you came over?" She confessed and I was just about to kill her. "Come on let's go or we'll be driving till tomorrow" Romeo said knocking on the door.

"You got lucky this time" I said glaring at her. We got our stuff and the guys helped us carry our bags, we had a quick breakfast then checked out and hit the road.

I sat in the back seat with Erick while Romeo drove and Cami sat next to him.  The backseat was huge but Erick and I ended up siting next to each other. We made small talk about the songs on the radio and other random stuff. I placed my head on his shoulder and felt so relaxed and safe, I couldn't keep my eyes open.

He moved my head to his chest and wrapped his arms around me, I could hear his heart beat. He placed his chin on top of my head, and I used his steady heart beat as a lullaby.

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