Chapter Thirty Two

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"I'm sorry I said that you don't fit in, in my life. I was made that you almost got hurt because of us and I thought that if I push you away I could protect you" he said playing with my fingers.

"When has that plan ever worked?" I laughed, and he gave me a smile. "I wanna take you to one of my fights this weekend. If you'll come that is" he said hope in his eyes. "I'd love to come" I replied, his eyes lit up.

Erick and I decided that we would not keep secrets from each other anymore, if we wanted to work. He stayed for a few more minutes before getting into his car and leaving. That night I had the most peaceful sleep yet.

The days had passed and things started to go back to normal but Erick gave me the space I needed to get back on my feet. Friday evening I found myself getting ready next to Cami in her house, for Erick's fight.

I had on black skinny jeans, a black lace bodysuit and a black leather jacket. I pulled on some black heeled boots and curled my hair applying a little bit of makeup. Just as we finished there was a honk outside, "Let's go" Cami said excitedly walking out the door.

Romeo was driving his car and Erick sat in the back next to me. "This is your first time here, so just don't pay attention to the idiots" Romeo said as we pulled into the docks. "Yeah and stay close to me or Romeo, don't go with anyone you don't know" Erick said a serious fatherly tone to his voice.

We went in and got seat right at the front closest to the ring. Romeo left us but had a guard watch us in case someone came up to us. The music played like the last time and the guys walked out toghter, the guy who Erick was fighting was almost the same height and weight proportion to him but a little smaller.

The fight started and Romeo sat between Cami and I. As the fight was halfway my phone started to ring, I pulled it out and saw Colten's number flash on the screen. "Hello?" I said but the place was too noisy, I got up and stood at the entrance, I was still in the building but it was less noisy.

"Alexandra where are you?" Colten asked urgency in his voice, "I'm at the docks, why?" I asked back. "You better not be in the same building as that illegal fight" he said, "why?" I asked not caring much for his words. "Because a SWAT team is about to infiltrate the place. It was a pleasure for you to be our informant" he said then cut the call.

I stared down at my phone in horror, I wouldn't reach them in time. I quickly dialed Cami's number, "Alex? Where are you?" She asked. "Cam listen to me, get the boys and get out of here, the police are here" I said, but before she could reply armed men burst through the building.

I ran towards Cami and Romeo, but froze when I saw a SWAT member holding Cami. "Let her fucking go!" Romeo said pointing a gun at the guy, "Sir drop your weapon!" The guy yelled back. "Let her go now!" Romeo screamed back, the guys hold on Cami only tightened.

Romeo's lips set into a line and he pulled the trigger, only the guy didn't drop, it was Cami who fell on the ground with a hole in her shoulder. Romeo turned and ran the other way leaving her in a pool of blood, "Cami!" I shouted and raced to her side.

I dropped to my knees next to her and put pressure on the wound, "Cami stay awake okay" I said tears rolling down my face. "I need a medic" the guy shouted, two men jogged up to us and lifted Cami onto a stretcher. I followed behind them hold her hand, we got into an ambulance and went to the hospital.

"I'm sorry ma'am this is as far as you can go" the man said stopping me from entering the emergency room, "she's okay, she's with me" Colten said coming up behind me. "Well they got away again" he said, "I don't understand why he'd shoot her and then leave her to die" I voiced my thoughts.

"Alexandra, that just proves that what I've been telling you this whole time was right. Look at what they did to her, poor innocent girl. Don't you want justice?" He asked, "it was not them, Romeo was the one who shot her" I said. "Look I'll be honest, everytime we try to bring them in they get away, but this time you have the power to lure them out of the darkness. We don't have anything to hold Romeo for and I know for a fact that Camellia will not press charges. Erick however, was part taking in an illegal fighting ring and you are the witness" he said sounding almost excited.

"What are you asking me to do?" I asked looking at him, "I want you to get justice for your friend. Get these dirt bags off the streets, we take one down we take both. I'm asking you to do the right thing" he said. "I don't know if I can" I wiped my tears away.

A grim look taking over Colten's features, "it's either you turn them in or your little friend goes to jail for association when she's patched up."

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