45. A new plan

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Everything fell into place. A complaint about noise. Yada yada, here they are. They get it. They now know there's no problem. At least one of them knows Grace.

Clearly, both of them were aroused by what we'd done. The potential for fun was starting to become obvious...

"Grace, you're wearing my tshirt. I don't recall giving you permission to do that. Officers, what recourse do I have here?"

The one called Ross was a little too eager with his answer "You should take it back off her!" The other looked a bit awkward as I stepped up, naked, to reclaim my property. Not too awkward though: his hands in his pockets were suspiciously busy.

It should have been straight forward. Just grab the bottom of the shirt, and lift. Grace had other ideas. Her hands were holding it down.

With her own coy smile, she said "I want to keep it on", and leaned forward to whisper in my ear "I haven't forgotten my colours."

Aha. The plan started to clarify. "Officers, she's non-compliant. Can you please help me?"

Ross offered a very professional "Shaun, let's help this man reclaim his property." and they both stepped forward.

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