42. A rude awakening

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This felt nice. Adams body was warm against mine, and he held me tight. After a while, his breathing slowed and I knew he had fallen asleep. Good. He needs it! Feeling a bit sleepy myself, I let my mind drift and I felt myself starting to fall asleep.


I shot up out of bed. What the fuck was that noise?


Someone was banging on the front door. Fuck sake. I grabbed the first item of clothing I could see, it just so happened to be Adams T-shirt. Fuck it, that'll have to do. I glanced back at the bed, how he was sleeping through these bangs was a mystery.

I ran down the stairs, trying to pull the T-shirt down so everything was covered before I answered the door. I was fighting a losing battle.

I swung open the front door, ready to give someone a piece of my mind for banging so hard, but instead...

"Hi guys, everything ok?" I asked the two uniformed men at the door, Shaun and Ross. I was at school with both of them, they were nice enough guys. They were now local policemen.

Ross blushed slightly when I opened the door, hardly surprising considering what I must've looked like...oh shit! I bet I'm a mess, I hope they bruises aren't out yet. Shit shit shit. Now I knew why they were here.

Shaun looked very worried, "Grace one of your neighbours called about a disturbance. Said they heard you screaming and begging someone to stop. Is everything ok?"

Fuck. How do I explain this one?!

I gave them both my best smile. "Boys, it was some rough sex. Some very wild, fucking amazing, entirely consensual, rough sex."

The policemen both were silent for a few seconds and Ross' face was even redder.

"Umm, Grace... do you.. uh, so no assistance needed..ok,"Ross seemed to be struggling to form a sentence.

"Look guys, my friend is still here, everything was entirely consensual, no one was hurt, everything's fine. You can go." I tried to usher them back out the still open front door. I did not want Adam to wake up and come down and see them. I was worried he'd freak out, especially after what we just did.

"Grace, we are going to need to speak to your... um friend, just to get his side of th-" Shaun was talking but I interrupted.

"Nope. No way. Is there not some form I can sign to say I'm fine and leave it at that?" I hoped.

"Grace that's not how this works. We also need to check on the welfare of your friend. To make sure he doesn't need any assistance." Shaun took a step closer to me and looked me up and down. "Are you sure you don't want to show me anything? Maybe we can see for ourselves how "fine" you are, then we will leave you to your friend."

This was a fucking nightmare. My options were to either wake up Adam, and make him live this fucking hell, or flash this prick and get them to leave apparently. Great.

I sighed and turned to walk up the stairs intent on waking up Adam. But there was no need. He was awake, standing at the top of the stairs and not looking very happy. Shit. How much had he heard?


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