18. Yikes, his wife?

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Shit even his laugh was sexy. It was a deep chuckle and his whole face lit up when he smiled. He really was a very sexy man. I was very quickly falling in lust with this sex god. I wasn't going to forget this night in a hurry.

Normally, I'm not the most confident woman in the world, but Adam made me feel like sex on legs. As I turned to walk towards the bathroom, I had both hands behind my back holding his hand and pulling him behind me, making sure I was swaying my hips to make my ass bounce.

The laughing hadn't really stopped but he kicked it up a gear when I opened a cupboard thinking it was a bathroom and tried to walk into it. I turned to face him.

"I think you've fucked all the brain cells out of my body. You're going to have to give me directions here, big boy" I said with a wink.

He lunged for me, head down and bent over, and quick as a flash had me thrown over his shoulder like I weighed nothing. He marched to the bathroom and gave my ass a good few hard slaps on the way. I had a perfect view of his pert ass from my perch on his shoulder. My mouth almost watered at the sight of it. His strong thighs gliding effortlessly, tensing with each step. God he was a marvel to look at.

We reached the bathroom and he slid me down the front of his body until my feet hit the tiled floor. I kicked my heels off and stood about a foot apart from him, facing each other. He was staring at my body, his eyes raking up and down, taking it all in. There were quite a lot of scars, I hadn't had the easiest time, but by the look on his face, he didn't give a shit about them.

I thought it was definitely time for me to take control. That's if he let me. I fucking loved that this man knew what he wanted and he took it. Just as I took a step towards him, he turned and switched on the shower. His back was to me and I got a better look at that perfect ass of his. I had to tell him how good he looked.

"Fuck me Adam, you're a fine specimen of a man. I'd love to bite that ass of yours."

I reached out and lightly touched his back, tracing the scratch marks I had made earlier. A thought popped into my head. Something I really should have asked an hour ago...

"I hope your wife doesn't check your back for a while when you go home, that's quite a mess I've left..." I muttered nervously.


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