54. Time for bed?

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It was official. I was the worst person in the world. Instead of feeling guilt or shame, or any other emotion I was supposed to be feeling, all I felt was lust.

The way Adam kept looking at me had my pussy wet and my nipples hard. I'd be worried about coming across as insensitive if it hadn't been for Adams erection, badly hidden, and right in front of me.

He caught my eye, and I could see my feelings were mirrored in his. I bit my lip, and wiggled my eyebrows, in a fake come-on. It worked, Adam laughed and poor Ross had no idea what was going on.

"You know, I'm really tired. I'm going to go and lie down in bed for a while," then I stood slowly, letting the blanket drop to the floor.

I sauntered past both men, making sure to touch them gently on my way past. I paused at the door, turning round to face Adam.


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