40. The come down

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I could not get enough of this man. Every time I thought I was done, he waved some kind of magic and made me cum again and again. This latest orgasm he was pulling from me was building slowly, but I could tell it was going to be powerful.

Every inch of my body craved Adam. The way he looked down at me made me want to give him everything I had. Our bodies moved as one and he squeezed my throat every time he thrust his cock into me.

This was hands down, the best anal sex I had ever had. And by the way Adams hands tightened round my neck, I knew we weren't far from the end of it. I closed my eyes and let the biggest orgasm take over my body, knowing my body was jerking but not being able to stop it, feeling my juices squirt out of me and up Adams stomach on his outward strokes. I was definitely seeing stars and barely aware of what was happening, but when I heard Adam make a sound that I could feel in my ovaries, I was right back up on the edge again.

Adam held himself deep inside me while he started to cum, and once more my cunt tightened around him, making me scream and dig my nails into Adams shoulders, hard. His own noises could match mine for volume, and it was the sexiest thing I'd ever heard.

Eventually, my body stopped shaking and Adams cock stopped pulsing inside me and we both collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. We both definitely needed a minute before we could talk about what had just happened. It was so charged, so intense.

We lay in silence for maybe 5, 6 minutes. Just various limbs laying over other limbs, still entangled on the bed. I had just about got my breath back but Adam didn't move, so I didn't either. I had decided to follow his lead here. This is a brand new experience for him, one that he had mixed moral feelings about it. I'd wait and see what he needed from me.

Of course, if I hadn't been so selfish earlier, I'd have let him express his emotions rather than demanding an orgasm like a complete slut. I couldn't even feel guilty, the sex was just too good. I gave my toes a wiggle, just to see how much pain I was going to be in when I tried to move.

Wow. Loads, it turns out.

My body was aching all over, as the glow of the sex started to fade, more muscles revealed themselves as victims. Adam still hadn't moved or said anything. I leaned over gingerly, and put my hand on Adams cheek.

"Jesus fucking chr-" leaning over hurt! "Are you ok, Adam? Would you like me to leave you alone for a while?" I asked him.


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