11. Decisive desire

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That rock hard erection I had before? It came back. I got harder with every single word she spoke. Every movement. Every look. Was there enough blood in my system to feed the beast?

I felt burning desire like I'd never felt before.

I've no doubt she was right. This would have been the fuck of my life.

And she was slipping away.

I had to act. Be decisive. Be the man she deserves.

She only got one step away before I lunged and embraced her in a bear hug from behind.

My hands immediately began pawing at her fabulous boobs, across her stomach and tops of her thighs. Teasingly close to her pussy. My lips found the side of her neck.

No words were necessary. She arched back into me, rubbing herself against my cock. Seemingly needing its hardness.

With her head back and chin up, she uttered the sexiest groan that I've ever heard. This wasn't a quiet moan of approval, but an expression of desire that matched my own.

Now panting, she spun around and our lips smashed.


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