6. Slutty Response

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Fuck, fuck, fuck. What am I doing?! I can't remember the last time I've been this turned on and I know for a fact it's never been this quickly.

He's taller than me, even in my heels and his body feels hard against mine. Well there's definitely one part harder than any other. At least I know he isn't lying about wanting to fuck me. And fuck, if he doesn't smell incredible. I can't even describe it, other than say he smells like a man. All man.

I slide one leg forward ever so slightly so I can fit my pelvis flush against his. Adam. This gorgeous mysterious Australian who wants to fuck me. Me?! He could have literally any woman in here but he wants me. And I'd be a liar if I didn't admit that made me feel sexy as hell. And brave.

I arched my back so my pelvis was still against his, raised my head and looked up at him, wide eyed and giving him my most innocent look. I wrapped one arm around his back and let it sit just above his ass, fingers spread, and I raised my other hand to stroke his cheek with my thumb. I looked right into his eyes.

Am I actually going to do this? I deserve it, I work hard and fuck if it hadn't been too long since a man had fucked me properly. I could have one night with this perfect stranger and pray he's not a serial killer. Even if he is, I hope he fucks me first. I can feel the sides of my mouth twitch upwards. I grind my hips and he lets out an almost inaudible groan. I've made my decision.

"Your place or mine?"


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