48. Knight in shining armour

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My fucking hero. I was so relieved Adam had dealt with Shaun, I didn't like the look in his eye. I don't think he's the right person to be given the power of a police badge.

This incident had totally ruined the moment, I was going to have to work hard to get things back up and running. I told Adam and Ross to go and sit down. I went through to the kitchen and grabbed some ice and a towel. I wrapped it around Adams hand when I came back through, and he winced slightly.

Nothing broken, he'd just be bruised for a few days.

"Hmm you'd make a good nurse, Grace," Adam grinned.

Ross laughed, already knowing what I did for a living. It hadn't came up yet with Adam, somehow. He looked a bit confused by Ross' laugh and looked at me, curious for a reason for the laughter.

"I'm a doctor Adam, well almost. I'm just finishing off my doctorate, so nurse would kinda be a demotion," I teased him.

He looked surprised and it seemed like an apology for underestimating me was forming, so I leaned in and kissed him before he could say anything. To show I wasn't offended.

I was on my knees in front of Adam, and as I kissed him, I felt his cock start to stir underneath me. Perfect. I uncurled my hand and exposed what else I had grabbed while I was in the kitchen.

A coin.

"Do you want to play a game, boys?

Adam smirked, and Ross' cock rose to attention again. He was like an eager puppy and sat forward, his eyes lit up.

"Adam, since you were my night in shining armour, you can call it. Heads? Or tails...?"

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