「034」 Number One's Mine, Girl

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- while jeongguk was playing basketball, a girl shouted something that made taehyung piss.

it was the the final game of the bangtan colleges and pyrex colleges, both school was fighting against the trophy. the basketball court was filled with crowds, some brought banners to support a team that they wanted to win. it was really full.

the coach from the bangtan colleges motioned the players to come near him as he'll tell what their moves in playing basketball. as they were agreeing on something, the hosts finally spoke.

❝good evening everyone, this is your host, baekhyun and my partner chanyeol. we know that you all are excited about the game between both schools, however my question is... are you ready to witness it?❞

the crowd suddenly shouted ❝yes❞ nonstop, the girls were squealing so bad with their banners, raising it up to let the others see what team they're supporting.

❝they do seem excited, right baek?❞ chanyeol said, looking at baekhyun. ❝of course, they are chan. we can see girls there squealing for the bangtan and stray, they even brought their jerseys.❞

❝we can see a lot of jeon's jersey here, look❞ the camera was wandering around to find the girls whose wearing the jersey's of jeon jeongguk, the greatest basketball player of em all.

jeongguk looked at the big screen with a wide smile plastered on his face- those girls really. the game was about to start in a minute, the players and the watchers stood up to sing their national anthem (am i even writing it right?- i'm singing my national anthem rn lol)

after singing, they prayed for the safety of the players hoping that this game would end so well without someone hurting or injured.

❝are you ready people?!❞ chanyeol shouted which made the crowds shout also. ❝and now, let us all witness the game between bangtan and pyrex. again this is your host, chanyeol❞ ❝and baekhyun, recorded live❞

❝starting from bangtan- let us hear your cheer for number six, min yoongi!❞ the crowds were like shouting ❝aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh min yoongi! min yoongi! min yoongi!❞

❝followed by number thirteen, kim namjoon... number thirty-four jung hoseok... number seven kim seokjin❞ (i can't imagine jin playing basketball but i had to) the girls were shouting nonstop, like their voice can make the eardrum broke.

❝and last but not the least- the most waited player that the girl keeps on talking about... the number one player jeon jeongguk!❞ jeongguk ran towards the other members while making a high five to his other teammates.

aaaaaaaahhhh jeongguk!!!!❞

❝jeon jeongguk, i love you!!!❞

❝jeon jeongguk! jeon jeongguk! jeon jeongguk!❞

❝wow, jeon jeongguk really has lots of fans❞ chanyeol said. ❝he really does, he is a jeon and the number one after all. now moving on to the stray❞ the girls from the other girls squealed even more than the girls supporting bangtan.

skip (i don't know what to write)

the referee held the ball and whistled, throwing the ball upwards. jeongguk and hyunjin jumped so high to get the ball and of course, jeon wouldn't like it if it was hyunjin will be the first one to get it so he caught it first.

he did the dribble while running towards their goal. he was stopped by changbin whose preventing him from running more until he looked at namjoon and tricked changbin first before he could even pass it to number thirteen.

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