Chapter 8

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[Yuki's POV]

It's been a week since what happened at that dinner. I'm going to apologize to her I don't know how?

Me: "Masa?"

Masa: "Oh? what?"

Me: "What will you do to apologized to a girl?" - Yanagida chokes his water.

Masa: "What the?! Did you ever apologize to a girl before?"

Me: "I did but this is different"

Masa: "Ow you mean the girl living in your household? Mina-san? Mi-san?"

Me: "Yeah to Mika-san."

Masa: "OH MY GOD... tell me what's did you did wrong to her?"

Me: "I ask her questions and Mayu said she may get offended and I crossed the line, and I think she's avoiding me these past days."

Masa: "Owwww. Maybe take her somewhere? restaurant? park? or a small trip to another city?"

Me: "She's busy" - his eyes widen from what I said.

Masa: "Hold up Yuki. Did I missed something?"

Another week have passed and I still didn't get a chance to talk to her. Masa said to try to wait for her in the morning before she left or when she came home. But when she leaves home, she always has someone talking on her phone. When she gets home, she always wearing air pods and I feel like she's going to collapse anytime so I don't want to bother her.

It's Saturday today and I think I'll get a chance to talk to her since she's getting home early today. My phone suddenly rang and it's from Shimizu-san.

Shimizu: "Yuki!!! We're hanging out somewhere in the city wanna come? Ah no, you should come"

Me: "Ah, right now? but-"

Shimizu: "Ah, no buts Yuki, we're not still celebrating your comeback here in Japan."

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