Chapter 79

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"You are trespassing a private property miss."

[Mika's POV]

When I look who is it...

Me: "Yuki?"

I run into him and hug him tightly. He hugs me back and GOD, I really miss his warmth. I really miss being in his arm. I really miss his scent... EVERYTHING

I really miss him.

Yuki: "Mika?"

Me: "Ah sorry, I was just.. ahm.."

Yuki: "I miss you" *smiles*

Me: "I miss you too and I'm sorry for everything I've done to you"

Yuki: "I should be the one apologizing to you. I want to explain what hap-"

Me: "I already know about it"

Yuki: "How?"

Me: "Matteo-san told me about it... actually about everything"

Yuki: "WHAT?!!"

Me: "I think I have something to tell you"

Yuki: "If it's about our child before, I know Mika"

Me: "Did Masa tell you?"

Yuki: "No... I was there."

So that time, I thought I was just dreaming of hearing his voice and his touch.

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