Chapter 14

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[Yuki's POV]

Two days have passed ...

I went out for a while to buy some snacks in the convenience store near the neighborhood. As was about to go back to our house when I saw her walking towards our home. I only watch her from a distance to make sure that nothing will happen to her. I immediately hide as she stops walking and answer the call on her phone.

It's not that a long call but after she hang up I saw that she clench her fist, release a heavy sigh as she looks at the sky as the rain started to fall and she starts to walk again.

When I arrived home, no one is in the dining, which she usually take her dinner first before she go to her room.

I heat up the food just in case she go downstairs but I waited for a couple of minutes, there's no sign of her.

I decided to bring the food to her room and also ask if she's really okay.

*knock knock knock*

Me: "Mika?"

It took a couple of seconds before she open the door and by looking at her, she seems like she just cried.

Me: "I bring here the dinner."

Mika: "Ah, I'm -"

Me: "Let's eat together." - I didn't let her finished what she's saying 'cause I know she will refuse it. I enter her room (technically my room) and place the tray on my study table. I know I was rude but I was worried about her.

Mika fixes herself as she still sniffing and her voice a little hoarse.

Me: "Sit here, I'll just get an extra chair" - I immediately get the chair in the room I'm currently using and we start to eat dinner.

She is still down so I decided to play music on my phone to at least lift her mood. I initiated the conversation and somewhat she was laughing at my jokes.

Mika: "Yuki-san, I'll do the dishes."

Me: "I'll help you"

After we washed the dishes, we go back to our rooms but she's still down.

Me: "Mika, if you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to call me. I'm just right next to your room"

She nodded and smiles at me.

Mika: "Yuki-san"

I stop from opening my room door and look back at her.

Me: "Mika?"

Mika: "Anoo... Wh- ah can I borrow your cold spray? I forgot to buy earlier."

Me: "Ah yes, wait a second I'll get it." Something is off to her.

Me: "Here. You can have it"

Mika: "Ah yes, I'll replace it tomorrow, thank you"

Me: "Good night"

Mika: "Yeah, good night"

-- To Be Continued --

Fourteen | Ishikawa YukiWhere stories live. Discover now