Chapter 17

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[Yuki's POV]

Today's training is very exhausting.

Masa: "Man... the game is near."

Me: "Ah yeah, you're right"

We keep on exchanging conversations as we proceed to our lockers.

Masa: "Btw, why did you only come this afternoon?"

Me: "Mika has a fever, ka-san has an important errand to run while Mayu is on training too. So I'm the only one left to take care of her"

Masa: "Ow... is she fine right now?"

Me: "When I left the house, she was sleeping and her friend already give her some shots."

Masa: "But why you look so disappointed when you already knew she was already given a shot, is her friend a man?"

Me: "Yes."

Masa: "Boyfriend?"

I blankly stare inside my locker for a while as I'm absorbing what Masa-san asked me.

Me: "I don't know"

Masa: "Hmmm... seems your 'girlfriend to be' is already taken"

Me: "I think he's not his boyfriend, because if they have that kind of relationship, why would she live temporarily in our house?"

Masa: "You have a point there."

After I changes clothes, I immediately packed my things and left the training center. I decided to stop at a grocery store to buy something I can cook for her since oka-san is still on a business trip.

Fourteen | Ishikawa YukiWhere stories live. Discover now