Chapter 39

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[Mikio's POV]

In the middle of a conversation with my sister and her friends, Yuki arrived, panting as if he runs a thousand miles just to see her while carrying a bouquet of flowers.

I was happy to see how happy she is, how happy the two are. I am finally able to see again how my sister genuinely smiles when she's with him or whenever she sees him.

And that smile that I've never seen before after our mom passed away.

I'm questioning myself, why did my sister only find him right now knowing that she only has a few weeks left?

In my previous conversation with Yuki, I know he was clueless about what will really happen after the 6 months. He even doesn't know the real reason why she was staying in their household instead of her own unit.

I don't want anyone of them to be hurt. I know how sincere he was to my sister. And I know that Mika loves him too.

She's been through a lot and I think this time, she deserves to do this. She deserves to do whatever she wants, to decide whatever she likes, to live the life she desires.

Maybe this time, I can finally act as a brother to her.

In her entire life, I wasn't able to support her as a brother. I'm always not on her side when she needed someone even I'm always saying to her to call me whenever she needs help or anything happened to her. But every time she needed me, I'm always late.

I know I was stupid and pathetic I am for being too attached to my work and even forgetting that there is someone who needed me more.

How did we become like this?

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