Chapter 33

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After the short trip to Osaka, Mika and Yuki are back to their own track. Mika's training for the upcoming competition is starting too, while Yuki is back for preparation for VNL.

Both of their rehearsal and training end times is not matching but the two always find time for each other. They always getting lunch together since her studio is near their training site.

[Yuki's POV]

Coach: "Everyone take your lunch after this, we will have a team meeting"

Now, I'm heading to my locker to change clothes and meet Mika in the restaurant.

Masa: "Yuki, wanna take a lunch together?"

Me: "Oh... I'm going with Mika, perhaps would you like to join us?"

Masa: "Is it okay or am I interrupting your time together?"

Me: "No, it's okay for us"

Masa: "Hmmm.. okay but anyway, you're not yet telling what happened in Osaka"

Me: "'cause you're not asking me"

Masa: "Geez, now let's go, you're soon to be girlfriend might be waiting there"

Me: "Yeah, my girlfriend is already waiting there"

Masa: "WHAT?!!!!"

Me: "Shhh!!!"

Our teammates look at us after Masa-san suddenly shouted.

Masa: "I wanna hear the whole details about that later"

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